Dog breeds
Wamiz has put together a detailed list of dog breeds recognised by the FCI and the Kennel Club. The Federation Cynologique Internationale has categorised each of these breeds into 7 different types: Gun dog, toy dog, utility dog, hound dog, terrier, working dog and pastoral. A complete list of over 300 breeds with their respective pictures and a full description of their features, personality, health issues, origins and much more. This guide is here to help you understand which dog is best suited for you, based on their needs and personality.
Afghan Hound
Airedale Terrier
Akita Inu
Alaskan Malamute
Alpine Dachsbracke
American Akita
American Bulldog
American Cocker Spaniel
American Foxhound
American Staffordshire Terrier
American Water Spaniel
Anatolian Shepherd
Appenzell Cattle Dog
Ariege Pointing Dog
Artois Hound
Atlas Mountain Dog (Aidi)
Australian Cattle Dog
Australian Kelpie
Australian Shepherd
Australian Silky Terrier
Australian Terrier
Austrian Black and Tan Hound
Austrian Pinscher
Auvergne Pointer
Basset Fauve de Bretagne
Basset Hound
Bavarian Mountain Scent Hound
Beagle Harrier
Bearded Collie
Bedlington Terrier
Belgian Shepherd
Bergamasco Shepherd Dog
Bernese Mountain Dog
Bichon Frise
Black and Tan Coonhound
Blue Gascony
Blue Picardy Spaniel
Bohemian Wire-haired Pointing Griffon
Border Collie
Border Terrier
Bosnian Broken-haired Hound
Boston Terrier
Bourbonnais Pointing Dog
Bouvier des Ardennes
Bouvier des Flandres
Bracco Italiano (Italian Pointing dog)
Brazilian Terrier
Briquet Griffon Vendeen
Bull Terrier
Burgos Pointing Dog
Cairn Terrier
Canaan Dog
Canarian Warren Hound
Cane Corso
Castro Laboreiro Dog
Catalan Sheepdog
Caucasian Shepherd Dog
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Central Asia Shepherd Dog
Cesky Terrier
Chesapeake Bay Retriever
Chihuahua à poils court
Chinese Crested Dog
Chow Chow
Cirneco Dell'Etna
Clumber Spaniel
Coarse-haired Styrian Hound
Cocker Spaniel
Collie Smooth
Coton de Tulear
Croatian Shepherd Dog
Curly-Coated Retriever
Czechoslovakian Wolfdog
Dandie Dinmont Terrier
Deutsch Langhaar
Dogue de Bordeaux
Drentsche Partridge Dog
Dutch Schapendoes
Dutch Shepherd
Dutch Smoushond
East Siberian Laika
English Foxhound
English Pointer
English Setter
English Springer Spaniel
English Toy Terrier (Black & Tan)
Entlebuch Cattle Dog
Estrela Mountain Dog
Fawn Brittany Griffon
Field Spaniel
Fila Brasileiro
Finnish Hound
Finnish Lapponian Dog
Finnish Spitz
Flat-Coated Retriever
Fox Terrier
French Bulldog
French Pointing Dog
French Spaniel
French Tricolour Hound
French Water Dog
French White & Black Hound
French White & Orange Hound
Frisian Water Dog
Gascon Saintongeois
Gerberian Shepsky
German Hound
German Hunting Terrier
German Shepherd
German Shorthaired Pointer
German Spaniel
German Wirehaired Pointing Dog
Golden Retriever
Gordon Setter
Grand Basset Griffon Vendeen
Grand Griffon Vendeen
Great Anglo-French Tricolour Hound
Great Anglo-French White & Black Hound
Great Anglo-French White & Orange Hound
Great Dane
Great Swiss Mountain Dog
Greek Harehound
Greenland Dog
Griffon Belge
Griffon Bruxellois
Griffon Nivernais
Halden Hound
Hanoverian Scent Hound
Hungarian Greyhound
Hungarian Hound - Transylvanian Scent Hound
Hungarian vizsla
Hygen Hound
Ibizan Podenco
Icelandic Sheepdog
Irish Glen of Imaal Terrier
Irish Red and White Setter
Irish Red Setter
Irish Soft-coated Wheaten Terrier
Irish Terrier
Irish Water Spaniel
Irish Wolfhound
Istrian Short-haired Hound
Istrian Wire-haired Hound
Italian Segugio
Italian Sighthound
Italian Spinone
Italian Volpino
Jack Russell Terrier
Japanese Chin
Japanese Spitz
Japanese Terrier
Kai Ken
Karelian Bear Dog
Karst Shepherd Dog
Kerry Blue Terrier
King Charles Spaniel
Kleiner Münsterländer
Korea Jindo Dog
Lagotto Romagnolo
Lakeland Terrier
Lapponian Herder
Large Munsterlander
Lhasa Apso
Little Lion Dog
Majorca Mastiff
Majorca Shepherd Dog
Manchester Terrier
Maremma and the Abruzzes Sheepdog
Medium-sized Anglo-French Hound
Montenegrin Mountain Hound
Neapolitan Mastiff
Nederlandse Kooikerhondje
Norfolk Terrier and Norwich Terrier
Norman Artesien Basset
Norwegian Buhund
Norwegian Elkhound Grey
Norwegian Lundehund
Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever
Old Danish Pointing Dog
Old English Sheepdog
Papillon (Continental Toy Spaniel)
Parson Russell Terrier
Peruvian Hairless Dog
Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen
Petit Brabançon
Pharaoh Hound
Picardy Sheepdog
Picardy Spaniel
Polish Greyhound
Polish Hound
Polish Hunting Dog
Polish Lowland Sheepdog
Pomeranian or miniature Spitz
Pont-Audemer Spaniel
Portuguese Pointing Dog
Portuguese Sheepdog
Portuguese Warren Hound
Portuguese Water Dog
Posavatz Hound
Presa Canario (Canary Mastiff)
Pyrenean Mastiff
Pyrenean Mountain Dog
Pyrenean Sheepdog
Rafeiro of Alentejo
Rhodesian Ridgeback
Rough Collie
Russian Black Terrier
Russian Toy
Russian-European Laika
Saarloos Wolfhound
Saint Germain Pointer
Saint Miguel Cattle Dog
Scottish Terrier
Sealyham Terrier
Serbian Hound
Serbian Tricolour Hound
Shar Pei
Shetland Sheepdog
Shiba Inu
Shih Tzu
Skye Terrier
Slovakian Chuvach
Slovakian Hound
Small Gascon Saintongeois
Small Swiss Hound
South Russian Shepherd Dog
Spanish Greyhound
Spanish Hound
Spanish Mastiff
Spanish Water Dog
St. Bernard
Staffordshire Bull Terrier
Sussex Spaniel
Swedish Lapphund
Swedish Vallhund
Swiss Hound
Taiwan Dog
Tatra Shepherd Dog
Thai Ridgeback Dog
Tibetan Mastiff
Tibetan Spaniel
Tibetan Terrier
Tyrolean Hound
Welsh Corgi
Welsh Springer Spaniel
Welsh Terrier
West Highland White Terrier
West Siberian Laika
Westphalian Dachsbracke
White Swiss Shepherd Dog
Wire-haired Pointing Griffon Korthals
Wirehaired Slovakian Pointer
Yorkshire Terrier
Yugoslavian Shepherd Dog
The following breed sheets will describe in detail, both in a physical and behavioural aspect, the most popular dog breeds in the UK. From the small dog breeds, to the big dog breeds, whether you’re looking for a guarding dog, working dog, or just a lap dog, this guide will help you find your match made in heaven. These breed sheets are primordial if you’re thinking of buying or adopting a dog. You must think about the type of dog you’re looking for and find a breed that matches these criteria. This descriptive list of dog breeds can be a start in your research.
Where do dogs come from?
Every breed of dog, from the flat-faced Pug to the heavy-set St. Bernard, derives from one common ancestor: the Grey Wolf. These wild animals were domesticated by early men, and although there has been much debate as to when this happened, evidence shows it may have been anytime between 20,000 and 40,000 years ago. The earliest dog breeders bred their animals to display specific traits that would be useful in performing various tasks– speed to catch game, strength to protect, or intelligence to herd, for instance. Over the years, dog breeding has become increasingly inclined to please our tastes in physical or behavioural attributes. For instance, large eyes have been bred into companion dogs to intensify their cute factor, and aggressiveness has been bred out of many working dogs so that they can adapt to family pet life. In this way, humans have been able to create the immense diversity of dogs that we know today.
What different dog breeds exist and how many are there?
To neatly organise and keep track of all the dog breeds, ‘clubs’ have been created all over the world.
The Kennel Club, Britain’s world-renowned and well-respected breeding club, sets standards for 211 pure breeds of dogs, and classifies them into 7 different groups. However, various clubs exist worldwide, and these standards and classifications vary accordingly. The FCI (Federation Cynologique Internationale), otherwise known as the WCO (World Canine Organization), for instance, recognises 344 dog breeds, and separates them into 10 different groups. Therefore, when looking for information about dog breeds, you may find varying classifications, depending on the club you’re going through.
The definition of a pure-bred dog, however, remains the same throughout kennel clubs of the world. These are dogs whose standardised breed is not only registered to a kennel club, but who also has a pedigree, that is, a lineage of ancestors all belonging to this same breed.
Purebreds are of course not to be confused with mixed breeds, also affectionately nicknamed ‘mutts’ which are the result of breeding two or more different dog breeds, where neither parents are registered pure bred dogs.
Finally, recent times have also seen the apparition of ‘designer dogs’, such as ‘Goldendoodles’ (Golden Retriever/Poodle cross) or ‘Puggles’ (Pug/Beagle cross), which are not recognised as official breeds, but result from the breeding of two separate, though pure, breeds.
Groups within the Kennel Club are used to categorise breeds of dogs and regroup those that display similar characteristics. The Toy group for instance, regroups all dogs bred specifically as small companion or lap dogs. Similarly, the Hound group contains dogs bred for hunting (by sight or scent), the Gundog group, dogs bred to find or retrieve large game, the Pastoral group, dogs bred to herd or work cattle, the Terrier group, dogs bred to hunt vermin, the Working group, dogs bred for guarding or search and rescue, and finally, the Utility group, dogs bred for miscellaneous and often very specific purposes, though often of a non-sporting origin.
How do I choose my dog?
Within this panoply of canine companions, there surely is one made just for you. A couch potato to match your stay-at-home personality, or, on the contrary, an active one to match your exertive lifestyle.
Whoever you may be, DO YOUR RESEARCH. Dogs step into our lives as pets but become part of our families for 10 to 15 years at least. They require veterinary care (which can be unpredictably expensive), they can turn your house into a snow-globe with their shedding, they will wake you up at dawn because they need to go for a wee, and they will need plenty of training to learn how to mesh perfectly into your way of life.
Every breed is different, and some are clearly better suited for first-time owners than others. Some will be more inclined to get along well with your other pets. Some will be better with young children than others. Some will be better guards, some will be better lap dogs. Some will shed more and others will require little to no grooming at all, so again, DO YOUR RESEARCH.
Mixed breeds should not be forgotten, and if you are thinking of adopting one, you can combine information on the breeds that have been used to create your ‘mutt’ (you can even use DNA tests if you want to be more precise about your dog’s origin).
Remember, although these breed sheets will offer you the standardised description of every breed, they are general pointers. Every dog, like every human, is different and unique in its own way, and a lot of its behavioural traits will depend on how it is trained and socialised. You must use the research you find as guidance, but be prepared for anything when you bring a pupper into your home.
And once you do, despite the hair, and the early-morning walks, and the bad-dog moments, you’ll never know how you once lived without them. If you wish to find out what dog breed is perfect for you and your lifestyle, take the test!