Bergamasco Shepherd Dog

Other names : Bergamasco, Cane da pastore Bergamasco, Knut

Photo: adult dog of Bergamasco Shepherd Dog breed
Photo: puppy of Bergamasco Shepherd Dog breed
Checked by animal care professional
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Life expectancy

The Bergamasco Shepherd Dog has a life expectancy of between 13 and 15 years




Adult size

Female Between 21 and 23 in
Male Between 23 and 24 in

Adult weight

Female Between 57 and 71 lb
Male Between 71 and 84 lb
Coat colour
Sand Brown
Type of coat
Eye colour

Purchase price

The Bergamasco Shepherd Dog costs between £700 and £1

Good to know

More details about the Bergamasco Shepherd Dog

Bergamasco Shepherd Dog: Origins and history

The ancestor of the Bergamasco came from Persia. According to students of canine heritage such a dog may have existed more than seven millennia ago. It migrated westwards amid centuries of societal shifting to find its more recent home (1850s) in the Italian Alps near the town of Bergamo. Genetic ‘paw-printing’ shows that it was around this time that the first Bergamasco was born. 

FCI classification of the Bergamasco Shepherd Dog

  • Group 1 - Sheepdogs and Cattledogs (except Swiss Cattledogs)

  • Section 1 : Sheepdogs

Training a Bergamasco Shepherd Dog

A strong-willed animal is the Bergamasco and one that is not easy to train. Being independent the Bergamasco will learn when it wants to learn and when. The Bergamasco requires a stronger-willed leader who is confident and consistent. 

Bergamasco Shepherd Dog: Purchase price

The price of purchase for a Bergamasco Shepherd puppy is between £700 and £1,000. It will cost approximately £80 to £120 per month to keep this dog.

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