Cocker Spaniel
Other names : Cocker, English Cocker Spaniel

Cheerful and playful, the English Cocker Spaniel must always been considered a hunting dog and never a decorative ‘cuddly toy’ which adorn one’s living room. His natural personality suffers if you treat him as a toy only. This dog is both a game retriever and gun dog, and it is in these two categories that he is Man’s best helper. He is capable of coming up with the smartest strategies to trick bird game into rising. Very popular as a companion dog, this role can only make the English Cocker Spaniel happy if his other needs have been respected (plenty of exercise and outdoor living). Otherwise, he is at risk of becoming an anxious and overweight dog.
Life expectancy |
The Cocker Spaniel has a life expectancy of between 12 and 14 years |
Temperament |
Size |
Adult size |
Between 15 and 15 in
Between 15 and 16 in
Adult weight |
Between 29 and 31 lb
Between 29 and 31 lb
Coat colour
The Spaniel can be: a solid colour (black, red, chocolate), barring white, which is not admissible; parti and bi-coloured (black and white, black and tan, brown and tan, orange and white, brown and white, lemon and white) with or without flyspeck; tricoloured (black, white and tan, or brown, white and tan); or roan (either blue, brown, lemon, orange, blue and tan or brown and tan). |
Type of coat
The coat is medium-long. The coat lies flat throughout the dog’s body, is of silky texture without ever seeming wirehaired. The hair should not be wavy, curly, nor too abundant. |
Eye colour
The eyes must be brown or dark brown, never light. |
Purchase price |
The Cocker Spaniel costs between £590 and £790 |
For several decades now (since the 70s), the English Cocker has been reputed to being a mean dog. But this, unfortunately, is nothing more than the result of incompetent breeding undertaken by unscrupulous breeders riding on the wave of the breed’s popularity. Many dogs were thus bred and sold without any consideration for the repercussions. Since the 90s, passionate and conscientious breeders have fought hard to restore the ‘blazonry’ of this incredibly well-rounded breed.
More details about the Cocker Spaniel
Cocker Spaniel: Origins and history
It’s a ‘Spaniel’- but does that mean ‘Spanish’ or ‘English’? He is undeniably English, can’t be more so in fact: the breed as we know it originated in the United Kingdom in 1879, but the English had been using this type of Spaniel for hunting already since the 18th century. His more distant roots are, however, likely to be Spanish, as described by Dr. Cajus in 1570 in his De Canibus Britannicis. We can even find references to the English Spaniel in publications dating back to the end of the 14th century. His name springs from ‘Woodcock’. The Cocker is namely a real expert in hunting for the latter bird.
FCI classification of the Cocker Spaniel
Group 8 - Retrievers - Flushing Dogs - Water Dogs
Section 2 : Flushing Dogs
Cocker Spaniel: Characteristics
Cocker Spaniel: Behaviour
Training a Cocker Spaniel
It is said that the multi-coloured subjects get more easily distracted than the solid-coloured variety but, on the flipside, question their owners’ commands much less. This in direct opposition to the solid-coloured specimens, that are perhaps more focused, but also occasionally more stubborn.
The Cocker Spaniel’s training must in fact be cemented at a young age. As soon as he integrates the household, certain boundaries must be established to prevent the pup from developing bad habits.
The handler must be strict, gentle, conscientious, consistent and fair if he wants to ensure a seamless cooperation with this dog.
Cocker Spaniel: Lifestyle
Breed compatibility Cocker Spaniel
Cocker Spaniel: Purchase price
The price of a Cocker varies depending on its origins, age, and sex. You have to count an average of £790 for a dog registered at the Kennel Club.
With regards to the monthly budget required to meet the needs of a dog of this size, you have to estimate an average of £30 per month.
Cocker Spaniel: Shedding
Hair loss is generally moderate throughout the year, but more pronounced during autumn and spring, the yearly moulting seasons. Brushes will have to be daily during the latter.
Cocker Spaniel: Grooming
Grooming may prove to be strenuous for show dog Cocker Spaniels, in which case you may want to resort to a professional dog groomer.
Otherwise, simple weekly brushes will suffice in maintaining the beauty and cleanliness of his coat.
The pendant ears must of course be closely monitored and cleaned regularly.
Cocker Spaniel: Health
Life expectancy is 13 years on average.
He is robust and enjoys a long life; you must simply make sure to clean his eyes, and more particularly, to check his ears often (especially if he lives in the country) to make sure they have not become a nest to foreign, infection-causing pathogens.
Though he is resilient and passionate about working, this hunting dog should not be overly stimulated during heatwaves.
Despite his robustness, it is not recommended that he sleeps outside during challenging weather (cold and rain).
If he gets enough exercise, there is no reason why the English Cocker Spaniel would gain excess weight. Having said this, since he is quite greedy, be careful not to give into all of his whims, and spoil him with too many snacks.
- Progressive retinal atrophy
- Hereditary Nephropathy (kidney disease)
- Hip dysplasia