
Other name: Hungarian Puli

Photo: adult dog of Puli breed
Photo: puppy of Puli breed
Checked by animal care professional
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Life expectancy

The Puli has a life expectancy of between 13 and 15 years




Adult size

Female Between 14 and 17 in
Male Between 15 and 18 in

Adult weight

Female Between 22 and 29 lb
Male Between 29 and 33 lb
Coat colour
Black White Blue
Type of coat
Long Wavy
Eye colour

Purchase price

The Puli costs between £560 and £740

Good to know

More details about the Puli

Puli: Origins and history

Pulik are an ancient breed of dog known to have been used by Hungarian farmers of the Middle Ages. They were introduced to Hungary by nomadic Asian tribes and so are believed to have first been used by farmers of the Middle East and India. Pulik with light-coloured coats were set among herds of sheep in an attempt to protect the animals from poachers and wild animals. The popularity of the breed as a house dog in the United Kingdom waned after World War II and has not surged since.

FCI classification of the Puli

  • Group 1 - Sheepdogs and Cattledogs (except Swiss Cattledogs)

  • Section 1 : Sheepdogs

Training a Puli

The Puli is a strong-willed animal and one that is not easily trained. Being independent the Puli will learn when it wants to learn. An owner’s half-hearted efforts won’t make much difference. The Puli requires an even stronger-willed leader who is confident and consistent. Do not berate a Puli; this is a proud dog yet sensitive and any harshness of language or actions will only make the job of training harder.

Puli: Purchase price

Puli costs between £560 and £740

To care for a Puli, you should count a budget between £60 to £100 per month.

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