Irish Soft-coated Wheaten Terrier

Other names : Wheaten, Wheatie

Photo: adult dog of Irish Soft-coated Wheaten Terrier breed
Photo: puppy of Irish Soft-coated Wheaten Terrier breed
Checked by animal care professional
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Life expectancy

The Irish Soft-coated Wheaten Terrier has a life expectancy of between 11 and 13 years




Adult size

Female Between 17 and 18 in
Male Between 18 and 19 in

Adult weight

Female Between 40 and 44 lb
Male Between 40 and 44 lb
Coat colour
Red Sand
Type of coat
Short Long
Eye colour

Purchase price

The Irish Soft-coated Wheaten Terrier costs between £745 and £1136

Good to know

The fur of the Wheaten easily attracts dust, grime and food. The dog’s everyday activities make him a ‘messy’ dog and one that is likely to transfer some of that dirt to your carpets and furniture. If you seek a ‘neat and tidy’ dog the Wheaten is not for you.

More details about the Irish Soft-coated Wheaten Terrier

Irish Soft-coated Wheaten Terrier: Origins and history

The Wheaten came about in Ireland in the 1800s. It was bred by the common man (rather than the Upper Class) to hunt and to guard livestock. The Wheaten was also used for herding. It wasn’t until 1943 that the Kennel Club of Great Britain recognised the breed. Wheatens are still used by some farmers to kill vermin but the dog is no longer used to hunt. The Wheaten is sometimes used as an aid of human psychological therapy.

FCI classification of the Irish Soft-coated Wheaten Terrier

  • Group 3 - Terriers

  • Section 1 : Large and medium sized Terriers

Training a Irish Soft-coated Wheaten Terrier

The Wheaten is an exceptionally intelligent dog but requires proper training to fulfil its potential. By ‘proper’ we mean consistent and varied. This dog gets bored easily and is easily distracted by things that it considers more fun than its owner’s voice. Once trained the Wheaten is relatively obedient.

Irish Soft-coated Wheaten Terrier: Purchase price

The price for a Wheaten Terrier can vary according to his age, gender and origins. But you could count on average £1,136 for a dog registered with the KC.

The average monthly budget ranges from £120 and £160 in order to fully meet the needs of the Wheaten Terrier.

Name ideas for a Irish Soft-coated Wheaten Terrier

  • Winter
  • Valentino
  • Yellow
  • Ozzie
  • Iron
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