Pomeranian or miniature Spitz

Other names : Deutscher Spitz, Wolfspitz, Keeshond, Pomeranian, Toyspitz

Photo: adult dog of Pomeranian or miniature Spitz breed
Photo: puppy of Pomeranian or miniature Spitz breed
Checked by animal care professional
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Life expectancy

The Pomeranian or miniature Spitz has a life expectancy of between 12 and 16 years




Adult size

Female Between 7 and 22 in
Male Between 7 and 22 in

Adult weight

Female Between 7 and 44 lb
Male Between 7 and 44 lb
Coat colour
Black White Brown Blue Red
Type of coat
Eye colour

Purchase price

The Pomeranian or miniature Spitz costs between £580 and £670

Good to know

More details about the Pomeranian or miniature Spitz

Pomeranian or miniature Spitz: Origins and history

They are very old dogs that descend directly from the Canis familiaris palustris rutimeyer that lived in peat bogs in the Stone Age, and from the Spitz that existed in the Neolithic period in the lake cities. The German names of the different varieties are Wolfspitz, Grosspitz (large), Mittelspitz (medium), Kleinspitz (small) and Zwergspitz (dwarf). The FCI officially recognised the breed in 1957.

FCI classification of the Pomeranian or miniature Spitz

  • Group 5 - Spitz and primitive types

  • Section 4 : European Spitz

Pomeranian or miniature Spitz: Varieties

  • Keeshond or Wolfspitz
  • Giant Spitz
  • Medium Spitz
  • Small Spitz
  • Pomeranian or miniature Spitz

Training a Pomeranian or miniature Spitz

Very attached to their master, these dogs want to learn and spend time with their owners. 
Naturally, this facilitates education and training

However, they are very sensitive and will not accept or forgive any form of brutality. Therefore, patience, consistency and care must be demonstrated during training sessions.

Pomeranian or miniature Spitz: Purchase price

The price of a German Spitz varies according to their origins, variety, age and sex. A dog registered with the KC are generally sold for around £670.
To look after a dog like the German Spitz, it will cost about £20 per month for the smallest and up to £35 for the largest.

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Pomeranian or miniature Spitz


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Frequently asked questions

How much is a Pomeranian?

Do Pomeranian like to cuddle?

Are Pomeranians easy to train?

Does the Pomeranian bark a lot?

How long do Pomeranian dogs live for?

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