
Jack Russell and Staffy

The Staffy Jack is a cross between a Staffordshire Bull Terrier and a Jack Russell Terrier

© Pixabay

Your guide to the Staffy cross Jack Russell

By Alice Lang Copywriter

Updated on the

A Staffy cross Jack Russell is a rare crossbreed which you might sometimes come across in shelters. Want to know more about this unique mix breed? Let's talk about the Staffy Jack!

Truthfully, crossing a Staffy and Jack Russell isn’t exactly common. You wouldn't necessarily find a Staffy cross Jack Russell at a breeder's. However, if you come across one at a shelter who really needs a home, you should consider giving them a chance.

The best bet you’ve got at understanding what this mix could be like is to take a closer look at the two parent breeds. The puppies will take traits from each parent, but it’s impossible to tell what they’ll specifically take from each side.

Staffordshire Bull Terrier

Staffy cross Jack Russell

Staffordshire Bull Terrier © Pixabay

Staffies tend to have a bad reputation but their ‘bad boy’ image simply isn’t true! These strong, muscular dogs can be aggressive and feisty if they’re not trained or well- socialised - but that’s true of any breed.

Despite their imposing, powerful looks, the Staffordshire Bull Terrier makes an incredible family dog and companion when part of a relaxed, happy home. Surprising to some, these dogs are known for their love and loyalty to children - yep, they’ll literally be the best of friends.

Staffies are sensitive, loving, affectionate and sometimes needy. As well as this, they’re bags of fun and will always be up for games and activities. However, because of their love of family and company, Staffies can be prone to separation anxiety. They won’t do well when left alone for long periods of time.

Lastly, Staffies are super athletic, energetic dogs. They’ll need vigorous exercise every day without fail - otherwise, they may become destructive. They also have a strong prey drive and might be a threat to cats and small animals.

Jack Russell Terrier

staffy cross jack russell

Jack Russell Terrier © Pixabay

We all know how popular Jack Russell Terriers are! These petite pups are extremely common in the UK. This pooch has a big personality despite its small package. They’re bold, high energy, sociable and happy dogs who make a great pet in the right environment.

These dogs need an owner who can provide plenty of exercise and mental stimulation. Otherwise, you’ll have more of a ‘terror’ than a terrier on your hands! With plenty of daily exercise, toys and games, the Jack Russell is a well-behaved, loyal companion.

Just like the Staffy, Jack Russells don’t cope well with being left on their own. They’re best suited to those who work from home or where different members of the family will be in for the majority of the day.

Jack Russells are known for their intelligence - nothing gets past them! They’re sharp, smart and on the ball. Although they’ll pick up training pretty easily, their stubborn streak might mean they don’t comply at times.

These tiny yet powerful pups have a strong prey drive (noticing a pattern here?) and will take off after rabbits, mice, cats, squirrels and even other dogs without hesitation. They need constant supervision outdoors.

Staffy cross Jack Russell - what to expect

As we’ve mentioned, the Staffy cross Jack Russell is a relatively rare breed. If you’re considering adopting one, expect any combination of attributes from either parent. That means you could get the worst of both breeds or the best of both. It really is luck of the draw.

However, with plenty of love, affection and patience, a Staffy Jack could make a good family pet. What we would say, though, is that this crossbreed is probably only suitable for someone who has prior experience with terrier breeds.

Physical attributes of the Staffy Jack

You can expect a Staffy cross Jack Russell to fall somewhere in the middle of the following average measurements.

Staffy height: 40-50cm
Jack Russell height: 25-38cm
Staffy weight: 13-18kg
Jack Russell weight: 5-8kg

Staffy Jack dogs have a body similar to the Jack Russell, with a wider face resembling a Staffordshire Bull Terrier.

No matter how small the mix ends up, they’ll be powerful and very strong. They’re often seen in white, brown, black and amber shades.

Staffy - Jack Russell cross temperament

Coming from two parents who are loyal and affectionate (when part of a stable home), you can almost bet a Staffy cross Jack Russell will be loving towards their family.

With both parent breeds being prone to separation anxiety, this pup needs an owner who is home most of the day.

Both parent breeds are hyper and energetic. A Staffy cross Jack Russell is likely to need lots of mental stimulation, fun and games on a daily basis. They could become destructive and badly behaved when bored or unsatisfied.

You’ll need to have a fenced off garden and might not be able to let this pooch off their lead in public places. Both the Jack Russell and Staffy have strong prey drives (typical terriers!). They’ll probably be tempted to sprint after any small animal they see.

Overall, this mix breed is loving, affectionate, needy, active and smart with a tendency to chase and dig.

Well-trained and socialised, they could make the perfect family dog but should be placed with experienced terrier handlers. A troubled Staffy cross Jack Russell might be slightly destructive, overly-hyper and aggressive towards strangers and other dogs.

However, it’s impossible to predict the traits inherited by a mixed breed dog - so be prepared for anything!

Exercise needs of the Staffy cross Jack Russell

This mix breed is almost guaranteed to be extremely energetic. Yep - you can bet on a Staffy cross Jack Russell being a fairly hyperactive dog!

You’ll need to provide lots of exercise every day. Two long walks and lots of play-time (terriers love to play fetch) should be sufficient. You’ll also need to provide lots of toys.

If you’re looking for a pup who’s fine with a short stroll once a day, the Staffy Jack isn’t for you.

Training a Staffy - Jack Russell cross

Though this mix breed may pick up some of the Jack Russell’s intelligence, they might also be rather stubborn and dominant. You’ll need to firmly establish from the very beginning that you’re in charge.

As with most terrier breeds, a Staffy cross Jack Russell should be socialised as early as possible - it’ll make your life much easier! Get them used to being around children and other dogs as early and often as you can.

Our top training tip: although you should be firm with your training, never punish or scold your dog. By using plenty of positive reinforcement and rewards and being consistent with your training, you’re sure to see results eventually.

If you do decide to adopt a Staffy cross Jack Russell from your local shelter, we're wishing you all the luck in the world. As we said, we truly believe every dog deserves a chance - hopefully, you'll be their happy, new forever home.

Find out more information about these different mixed-breeds:

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