
Pregnant dog panting, how long till birth: Brown dog panting

Pregnant dog panting, how long till birth?

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Pregnant dog panting, how long till birth?

By Dr. Laura Harvey BVetMed GPCert (WVA&CPM) MRCVS Veterinarian

Updated on the

There are several reasons why a dog will pant during pregnancy, from feeling anxious to being very close to giving birth.

Panting in dogs is often considered normal, as they use it to control their body heat when they get too warm or excited.

However, heavy or prolonged panting may indicate other conditions, so consult your veterinarian immediately. 

Here, we've answered all your questions (and more) on canine pregnancy, panting and delivery.

Why is my pregnant dog panting and breathing heavily?

Your dog may pant or breathe heavily during gestation for several reasons, including being too warm, excited or anxious, in pain, eclampsia (low blood calcium), or other underlying conditions, such as heart or lung disease. Panting can indicate the onset of whelping or complications with the pregnancy. If the panting is excessive, unjustified, or prolonged, or your dog appears distressed, contact your vet immediately.

What are the signs of canine labour?

Signs of imminent and first-stage labour in a dog include changes in behaviour, restlessness, nesting, hiding away, panting, possibly reduced appetite, and occasional vomiting. If vomiting recurs, consult your vet.

What care should be taken for dog labour?

Monitor your pet closely as she gives birth to check for any issues that might require urgent veterinary support. Ensure the dog is warm, quiet, and stress-free to keep her as relaxed as possible. If she follows you outside to urinate, take precautions in case she delivers her puppies outside.

What preparation should be made before dog labour?

Provide a warm, dry, quiet, and supervised area for the dog to give birth, with food and water available. A whelping box is a good idea, as it gives the dog a secure space and helps contain the puppies. Removable (washable/disposable) bedding is essential, and "vet bed" bedding helps keep the mother and puppies warm and dry.

What should I do if my pregnant dog is panting?

If panting is unexpected, heavy, prolonged, or unjustified, contact a veterinarian immediately, especially if your dog seems weak or distressed, as this may indicate a problem with the pregnancy.

Why is my pregnant dog panting but not in labour?

If your dog is panting but not in labour, she could be warm, anxious, or experiencing pain, fever, eclampsia (low blood calcium), or another condition, such as heart or lung disease. If she seems distressed or not herself, call a vet immediately.

Pregnant dog panting, how long until delivery?

A pregnant dog panting could indicate that whelping is approaching, typically within a few hours. Panting is common in the first stage of labour, which can last up to 12 hours. If panting continues without further signs of labour, consult a vet.

What are the stages of canine labour?

  • First stage: the uterus starts to contract, and the cervix dilates, preparing the dog and the puppies for delivery. This phase can vary between 6 to 12 hours, though it may last longer
  • Second stage: contractions strengthen, and puppies are delivered. This typically lasts 30 to 60 minutes per puppy. Call a vet immediately if your dog strains for 30 minutes without delivering a puppy. If it has been two hours since the last puppy was born without further progress, consult a vet
  • Third stage: the placenta is passed after each puppy. In some cases, two or three puppies may be born before their placentas are expelled

What does it mean when my pregnant dog is breathing hard?

Heavy breathing can indicate the onset of whelping, but it can also suggest other issues, such as discomfort, eclampsia, or respiratory disease. Contact a vet if the heavy breathing continues.

Can a pregnant dog have puppies days apart?

No, this should not happen. Call a vet if more than two hours pass between puppies or if your dog strains for 30 minutes without delivering.

Can a dog die during labour?

Yes, but it is rare if prompt veterinary intervention is provided. Complications such as blood loss or retained puppies can lead to serious issues.

How do I know if my dog has finished giving birth?

A dog usually becomes more settled after giving birth. To be sure, have a vet examine her, which may involve diagnostic imaging (abdominal ultrasound or x-ray).

Why do dogs pant after delivery?

Panting after delivery may indicate pain, stress, blood loss, or eclampsia. If your dog continues to pant heavily or seems weak, contact a vet immediately.

What should I feed my dog after delivery?

Feed your dog the same food she had during the last three weeks of pregnancy, as it is higher in energy than adult dog food. Adding water to her food can help with hydration.

How long after feeling puppies move will they be born?

Puppies are typically born about two weeks after you start feeling them move, usually around week seven of the nine-week gestation period.

What should a dog's temperature be during labour?

A dog’s normal temperature is 37.5 to 38.5°C. Within 12 to 24 hours before labour, her temperature may drop to 37.1°C or lower. If you have concerns, consult a vet.

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