
Brown puggle dog

The Puggle is a cross between a Pug and a Beagle

© Pixabay

Everything you need to know about a puggle

By Nick Whittle Author

Updated on the

The ‘Puggle’ has been rising through the ranks of the crossbreeds since the 1980s. If you are thinking about buying a Puggle, read on to learn more about the pros and cons of this popular dog.

The Puggle is a designer dog, much like the ‘Aussiepom’, ‘Cheagle’, ‘Chowsky’ and ‘Pomsky’. She is a dog bred for her cute looks and calm disposition, but she may also suffer with hereditary ailments passed on by her parents.

What is a crossbreed?

Often, breeders will combine the positive aspects of different parents to produce successful and healthy 'crossbreeds', some of which are registered as pedigree breeds in their own right. The Cesky Terrier (Sealyham Terrier x Scottish Terrier), has been inbred since 1948 and is now recognised as a pedigree.

If you are thinking about buying a crossbreed it is useful to consider the characteristics as well as the physical appearance of the parent breeds; you should keep in mind the fact that each of these traits can be dominant or recessive in individual dogs.

What is a Puggle?

A Puggle is a crossbred dog born of a Pug and a Beagle. Usually, you'll end up with a dog healthier and more active than the Pug, but more trainable and calm than the Beagle. To know more about this mix breed, it's important to first take a look at the two parent breeds.

The Pug

The Pug ©Shutterstock

Originally from China, Pugs have recently become one of the most popular dog breeds in the UK. No wonder, what with their comical looks and personalities! These small dogs love to be around their owners and are extremely adaptable to their lifestyle. They do well in family environments and are eager to please, so tend to be easy to train. The main thing to consider when purchasing one of these dogs is their health. Being a brachycephalic breed, Pugs tend to suffer from many respiratory problems, especially if they are over-exercised or exposed to the the heat for an extended amount of time.

The Beagle

The Beagle ©Shutterstock

This breed is originally from the UK, and is now one of the most popular Hound breeds in the world! Beagles make affectionate, friendly and playful family pets, but they are not for the faint of heart! These dogs are active and need plenty of exercise. They need to be properly trained, especially for recall, but at the end of the day, they will always follow their scent rather than their owner's command! Beagles also have a very loud voice, and they love to use it, which means they're not the best apartment dogs. But for active people who live in a suburban or countryside setting, they can make excellent pets.

The history of the Puggle crossbreed

The Puggle is thought to have first been created in the 1980s but it wasn’t until the 1990s that the crossbreed’s popularity upturned. Most recently, celebrities have been seen with Puggles; this in turn has buoyed interest in the crossbreed.

According to The Happy Puppy website, ‘Celebrity Puggle owners include Kelly Osborne, Uma Thurman, Jake Gyllenhaal and even Sylvester Stallone’.

To date, Puggle puppies have been born of Beagle and Pug parents. The breed will remain unregistered until Puggles are successfully bred with Puggles over several generations. However, Puggle x Puggle breeding has not yet yielded any positive results; a fact that has prompted some vets to warn us about the medical complications of inbreeding ‘squashed-face’ breeds.

Physical characteristics of the Puggle

Puggles measure 13 to 15 inches at the shoulder and weigh between 8 and 13 kilogrammes.

Naturally, a Puggle’s features reveal characteristics of both parents: Puggles have the wrinkly skin of the Pug but the longer muzzle and straight tail of the Beagle. Although both parent breeds are recognised pedigrees by the UK’s Kennel Club, their hybrid offspring is not.

Caring for Puggle puppies

The Puggle is a dog that is currently ‘in fashion’ and as such, breeders whose priorities are not in favour of the wellbeing of the dog will be keen to profit from the dog’s popularity. You should always make sure you are working with a reputable breeder before purchasing a dog.

Puggle puppies respond well to socialisation with the family and other animals. They are intelligent dogs and react well to positive reinforcement and new experiences. Always keep training sessions short and sweet for maximum efficiency!

Puggles take from their Pug parent a love of the indoors. Even as a puppy, a Puggle will not be happy to relinquish her place on a human lap. Although she (and you) may prefer to stay indoors, a good bout of regular exercise in the early years is still necessary in order to keep her healthy and calm.

Feeding Puggles

When measuring meals for Puggles you should abide by the nutritional guidelines printed on food packaging. These guidelines should give you an idea of how much food to give a Puggle of her weight and size.

Because they are prone to obesity you should not over-feed a Puggle. Feed her twice a day and take her food bowl away as soon as she loses interest in eating, even if she hasn’t finished the whole meal.

Temperament of the Puggle

Puggles are said to be intelligent, playful and friendly. They enjoy contact with humans and other animals and are not known for exhibiting aggression when they meet other dogs. They are particularly easy going around children. Some problematic behaviour observed of Puggles includes barking, digging, and stubbornness.

Exercise requirements of the Puggle

Puggles may choose the indoors over the outdoors but they still like to run around and indulge in energetic playtime. They may not be the fastest walkers of the canine kingdom but they do enjoy the social aspect of walking and, if properly trained, will respond well to commands. They should be walked for at least 30 minutes to an hour each day.

Grooming a Puggle

Both Pugs and Beagles are double coated breeds, so be prepared for a lot of shedding. The coat is short though, so a weekly brushing should suffice to keep it clean and healthy.

Puggle health issues

Unfortunately, Puggles seem to have inherited some of the physical deformities of their Pug parent.These include:

Pinched nostrils: Specific to short muzzled-dogs, this congenital deformity restricts the dogs breathing. Over-exercise and exercise in hot weather can exacerbate the problem and cause the dog to become asphyxiated.

Hip dysplasia: Again a hereditary ailment, hip dysplasia can cause an early onset of arthritis; overweight dogs or dogs that have injured their legs will suffer more with this condition.

Epilepsy: Seizures are often caused by a dog ingesting a toxin. A dog of any size can suffer with epileptic seizures but pugs are more prone to seizures caused by an inflammation of the brain. Treatments for hereditary Pug Dog Encephalitis (PDE) include the administration of anti-convulsants and anti-inflammatory drugs.

As well as checking the validity of Puggle breeders, prospective owners should take into account the care they may have to provide a puggle in the event of an illness caused by her inherited traits. The British Veterinary Association recently drew attention to the fact that many dog owners are unaware of the kinds of disorders associated with excessive breeding of squashed-face dogs.

In short, before you buy a Puggle, be certain in your mind that you are doing so for the right reasons.

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