
Jack Russell Pug Mix

Jack Russell Pug Mix

© Shutterstock

Jack Russell Pug Mix: everything you need to know

By Nick Whittle Author

Updated on the

The ‘Jug’ is enjoying new-found popularity among owners because of its friendliness towards humans and other animals. If you are thinking about buying a Jug, read on to learn more about the pros and cons of the famous Jack Russell Pug Mix.

A Jug is a cross between the Jack Russell Terrier and the Pug. With a Jug, you usually end up with a dog more laid-back than the Jack Russell, but more active and healthy than the Pug. 

To know more about this mix breed, it's important to learn more about the two parent breeds.

The Jack Russell Terrier

jack russell playing on beach
The Jack Russell Terrier ©Shutterstock
These are small dogs with big dog bodies! Jack Russells are extremely active dogs with huge personalities. They can be quite stubborn and can get distracted easily, so they do best with experienced owners. However, for the right person, JRTs can excel at activities such as obedience training, agility, and flyball, just to name a few.

The Pug

pug running on the beach
The Pug ©Shutterstock
These funny-looking dogs are happiest by their owner's side. They make an adaptable and easy-going pet, who is happy to join in when it comes to fun family activities. They do best in cold or temperate climates - being a bracycephalic breed, the heat is not their friend. A moderate amount of exercise is also recommended, as this breed could not tolerate high levels of activity either.

The history of the Jug crossbreed

The jug is thought to have first been born in the 1960s in the United States. However, up until now, the crossbreed’s popularity has been lacking in the UK. Jugs appear to have inherited the better qualities of their parents’ personalities and are an increasingly popular choice of families with young children.

Physical characteristics of a Jack Russell cross Pug

Jugs measure 9 – 14 inches at the shoulder and weigh between 5 and 7 kilogrammes. A Jug’s features can reveal various characteristics of her Jack Russell x Pug heritage: they may have the wrinkly skin of the Pug but the straighter snout of the Jack Russell. Jugs tend to have short but stocky legs.

A Jug’s back appears straight, her stance is noticeably upright and her body is well-built and compact. In response to the British Veterinary Association’s warning of the perils of poorly bred brachycephalic breeds (such as Pugs and Bulldogs), breeding clubs in the UK and abroad are focussed on the consistency of Jug breeding.

Their careful monitoring of first-generation litters of Jack Russells and Pugs is intended to reduce the incidence of inherited physical defects.

Both types of parent dog are known to suffer congenital abnormalities of their eyes, hips and face. You should, therefore, choose a good breeder who wants to avoid litters that are blighted by genetic deformities. The health of the Jug is of paramount importance to breeders who are concerned for the dog’s welfare.

Caring for Jack Russell Pug Mix puppies

Jugs are fast learners. They are keen to please their owner and respond well to confident and forthright training. However, Jugs are also known to quickly develop bad habits.

To avoid indulging in less desirable behaviour, a Jug should be given consistent training and not allowed to forget what it has already learned as ‘good’ habits. Therefore, a jug's owner should be prepared to devote a good deal of time to training their dog. Jug puppies require a lot of attention and care in the early days. They should not be left alone for long periods of time. If they are, they will soon feel vulnerable, which will cause them to adopt their own modus operandi.

Jack Russell x Pug puppies are inquisitive and boisterous. If you intend to buy a young Jug you should first ensure that your home is suitably safe. Tools, fine china and precious belongings should not be left where a jug puppy can reach them; toxic plants should be removed from the garden and the house, electric appliances should be placed out of reach and access to stairways should be blocked.

Feeding Jugs

Generally speaking, puppies should be fed a diet recommended by the breeder from where they came. Any sudden changes to Jug’s diet cause her to have an upset stomach. As your puppy grows up, you will be able to change her diet but should still do so gradually.

Adult Jugs are not sensitive eaters, but should be fed with a high quality meal. Feed your Jug twice a day with a nutritional dog food but do not over-feed. Make sure they get plenty of exercise; Jugs, like their parents, have a tendency to gain weight.

Temperament of the Jack Russell cross Pug

Both of the parents of a Jug are known for their intelligence, ability to socialise, and activeness. A Jug's inheritance of these traits makes them highly adaptable to family life and new surroundings. The Pug parent’s loyalty and attentiveness are also revealed in the personality of the Jug. All in all, its personality makes the Jug a much sought after crossbreed.

The Jack Russell parent brings some challenging traits to the Jug's character. Jugs can be feisty and short-tempered. They are known to be courageous and protective, but this trait can lead to problems associated with the family hierarchy and meeting new people.

Jugs have also been known to exhibit behavioural problems such as prey drive and separation anxiety.

Exercise requirements of the Jug

This hybrid dog will certainly need less exercise than their Jack Russell parent. An hour a day for a healthy adult should be plenty to keep these dogs mentally and physically content.

Grooming a Jug

The coat is short and will be very easy to groom. Expect a lot of shedding, though!

Health of the Jug

Unfortunately, dogs born of a Jack Russell x Pug breeding may inherit some of the physical deformities of their pug parent. These include:

  • Eye complaints: Jugs are known to suffer from a bulging eye condition, which tends to make their eyes more susceptible to damage and infection. Regular check-ups by the vet are recommended for Jugs.
  • Pinched nostrils: specific to short-muzzled dogs, this congenital deformity restricts the dogs breathing. Over-exercise and exercise in hot weather can exacerbate the problem and cause the dog to become asphyxiated.
  • Cryptorchidism: this is a condition that prevent one or both testes in the male Jug from descending into the dog’s scrotum. It can be a painful ailment and one which can lead to complications. Should your dog suffer from cryptorchidism, he should be neutered.

Jugs are a breed of the moment. They are therefore expensive. A Jug should only be bought from a reputable breeder, one that can answer your questions and concerns without hesitation. Be aware of online breeders in particular, especially since many of them will try to scam their customers. If you are thinking about buying a crossbreed born of a Pug, you should consider carefully the level of care it may need in the event of an illness caused by her inherited traits.

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