
Dashchund and Jack Russell

Jackshund’s are great with children and other pets.

© Shutterstock

A guide to the Jackshund: Dachshund cross Jack Russell

By Alice Lang Copywriter

Updated on the

The cheerful, jolly Dachshund mixed with the bold yet friendly Jack Russell makes for a charming family pet. Often known as the JackWeenie, the Jackshund or the Dachshund cross Jack Russell, this small mixed breed is energetic and loving with a stubborn streak.

The Dachshund and Jack Russell are very different dogs, in terms of looks and temperament. Together, you’re presented with a pooch full of personality who’s sure to keep you entertained!

As with all crossbreeds, it’s hard to predict exactly what a Dachshund x Jack Russell will turn out like. Every litter - in fact, every single puppy - inherits a different ratio of traits from their parents.

The Jackshund: Dachshund cross Jack Russell

We’ve got a good idea of what your Jackshund could turn out like, along with some tips and trick for taking care of them. First, we’ll have a look at the two parents breeds:


The Dachshund ©Shutterstock

“Dachshunds… what’s not to love? They’re cute, cuddly, smart and friendly, and they’re shaped like hot dogs - which is why people occasionally call them wiener dogs! If you like small to medium size dogs with plenty of spunk, you’ll love Daschunds,” says Eva Adamson in Dachshunds for Dummies.

“Dachshunds love you unconditionally and are great companions and listeners. Dachshunds are good at warning you if someone is outside the house - welcome or not! They need plenty of attention and affection.”

These friendly pups were originally bred to hunt badgers, rabbits and other small animals due to their incredible sense of smell. They’re very versatile and are a popular choice of dog breed thanks to their bubbly and jolly nature.

Jack Russell

The Jack Russell ©Shutterstock

The Jack Russell is a member of the terrier breed group, originally bred for hunting vermin. They’re tough, feisty, bold, and brave yet snuggly, affectionate and loyal all in one go - though well-trained and socialised, they’re much likely to be the latter!

For this reason, Jack Russell’s do need consistent training, ideally with someone who’s experienced a terrier pooch before.

“Jack Russells make great pets. They enjoy homes with large yards where they can play. If your family is active, a Jack Russell terrier might be for you” says Linds Bozzo in her book, I Like Jack Russell Terriers.

How big will a Jack Russell Dachshund mix get?

Height: 8-14 inches
Weight: 15-30 pounds
Lifespan: 11-13 years

The Jackshund dog varies heavily in terms of appearance, and can pretty much fall anywhere in between the two dog breeds. However, you’re guaranteed to have a small-medium sized pooch, often with a shape similar to the Dachshund and facial features resembling the Jack Russell. Their ears are often cute and floppy!

Coat-wise, it’s all to play for! Dachshund cross Jack Russell puppies have been seen with single and double coats - and they could be short, long, straight, curly or wiry. We wish we could give you a more solid answer here - but the thing is, there seem to be no common denominators in this crossbreed’s coat. You can, at least, bet on white, cream, brown, golden or black colour.

Temperament of a Jackshund

With both parents coming from working and hunting backgrounds, it comes as no shock that the Dachshund cross Jack Russell is smart, bold and alert. Like many terrier mixes, the Jackshund, also called Daxijack, can be difficult to train in comparison to other breeds - though it’s definitely achievable!

Once trained and socialised, Jackshund’s are wonderful around children and other pets, making them an ideal family dog. These pups are social by nature and become extremely devoted and loyal to their family.

However, this can lead to separation anxiety issues. For this reason, they shouldn’t be left alone for too long. When they are left alone, lots of toys should be provided to keep their clever minds occupied.

The Dachshund cross Jack Russell is also a very adaptable breed. They’re fine in apartments or houses without gardens as long as they get their daily dose of outdoor exercise. But at the same time, they’ll do just fine with an active family who enjoy long walks.

The Jackshund has a strong prey drive, which is no surprise considering its parent breed’s history. You might find that they chase just about anything they see, so beware of squirrels and cats. However, if you socialise your pooch properly with another household pet, they should be okay.

The Jack Russell cross Dachshund puppies

The Jackshund puppy is super cute and full of energy. They will love learning new tricks, but you will have to be a little patience with them, they are puppies after all. It will be important to start your Jackshund puppy's education with basic training (sit, stay, no, etc.) and also early socialisation. The sooner you start the better as this will set a solid foundation of good behaviour and temperament.

How much exercise does a Daxijack need

All dogs need to walk on a daily basis - but the Jackshund isn’t as active as other breeds. At least half an hour of walking per day is essential, though it’s best to take them out for a few short walks totalling to around an hour.

The Dachshund x Jack Russell is a smart breed, so they’ll love playing games, performing tricks and solving problems - try and incorporate this into their daily routine.

Training & socialisation

Perhaps the only real downside to a Daschund cross Jack Russell is that they sometimes can be difficult to train. They’re smart enough to learn, but the stubborn terrier inside them can occasionally refuse to obey.

The key here is to be consistent and firm, using lots of tasty treats and praise to motivate them. You’ll need to incorporate fresh and exciting aspects to training to keep their brain switched on. It’s well worth the time - the Jackshund is a truly wonderful pet once they know who’s the boss!

Socialisation is important too. Try and get your Jackweenie puppy around other dogs and children regularly from a young age. This will help your pooch grow into a trustworthy, calm and adaptable family dog.

Are Jack Russell cross Dachshund good family dogs?

Yes, the Jack Russell cross Dachshund is an excellent family dog. This mixed breed gets on well with children and will love to play with them. They have so much energy to spend, so by playing with kids, this will definitely help.

They tend to chase small animals (thank you to the Jack Russell parent) and don't always get along with dogs, so they will need to be socialised at an early age.

The Jackshund is a social dog. He loves being around people and is devoted to his family and owner. This pooch is loyal, energetic and loving - a perfect addition to the family.

How to groom a Jackshund

We’ve already mentioned how varied the Jackshund’s coat is - and grooming heavily depends on the type of coat inherited. If they have a longer coat, daily brushing is required to keep tangles at bay and remove dirt and debris. You might also find it needs trimming.

Shorter coats will need less brushing - perhaps once or twice a week. Sometimes Dachshund cross Jack Russell puppies have a rather wiry coat - and in these cases, a regular trip to the groomers is necessary.

A Jackshund might need the occasional bath using gentle dog shampoo. Only do this if it’s absolutely required - too much bathing can strip the skin leading to dryness. Brush your pup’s teeth a few times a week and make sure to check their ears - sometimes, they might need a quick wipe over.

The Jackshund's health issues

Generally, crossbreeds tend to have fewer health concerns than purebred dogs - so you’re likely to have a healthy little Dachshund cross Jack Russell. With regular check-ups at the vet, a high-quality dog food and adequate exercise, your Jackshund pooch will be in good shape.

A few conditions have been seen in Dachshund cross Jack Russel dogs more than others, including:

  • Patellar Luxation
  • Intervertebral disc disease
  • Legg-calve-Perthes disease
  • Gastric Dilation-Volvulus
  • General back problems

However, as long as you keep an eye on your pooch and take him to the vet if anything changes, there’s no need to be worried.

What is the lifespan of a Dachshund Jack Russell terrier mix?

The Dachshund cross Jack Russell Terrier's life expectancy is 12 to 15 years.

We hope you have a lovely time with your new Dachshund cross Jack Russell dog! They’re an amazing breed once trained and socialised - you’re going to be the best of friends.

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