
Beagle dog

Beagle mix breeds are usually friendly, active dogs

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Everything you need to know about the Beagle cross

By Daniel Mar Journalist

Updated on the

Beagles are one of the most popular dog breeds in the world. The Beagle cross is known for being a playful family pet. Learn much more here!

These small dogs are the perfect active companions for adults and kids. Generally, the Beagle cross is easy to love but since it is part hound, it can also be stubborn. They have a great sense of smell which serves as their most important compass through life. This article will provide you with all the necessary information regarding the Beagle cross!

The Beagle

The Beagle is a friendly, energetic dog that will make a fantastic companion for active families!

Physical characteristics of the Beagle

Beagles are usually between 13 and 15 inches in height. They can weigh anywhere between 18 and 30 pounds. Careful about feeding these guys - they pack on the pounds very easily! Beagles are easily recognizable thanks to their tri-coloured coat.

Beagle personality and training

Beagles can be very naughty!  ©Shutterstock

Beagles are great dogs. They are gentle and very funny. Pet parents usually characterize them as clown dogs because they will make you laugh. However, you should know that there is a dark side to them as well! They are often very naughty. Beagle lovers usually spend a lot of time trying to train their dogs. Fortunately, food treats are great to make Beagles somewhat disciplined.

This dog breed needs early socialisation. A Beagle puppy demands exposure to different people, places, sounds, and experiences. This is crucial when they are young, as it ensures that your Beagle grows up to be a mature, well-behaved adult.

Beagle health

Beagles are generally healthy but can inherit certain genetic diseases © Shutterstock

There are some health problems that affect this particular breed:

  • Intervertebral Disk Disease – This disease occurs when the inner layer of the spinal canal pushes against the spinal cord. This causes compressions that, although minimal, can cause neck or back pain. If not treated, it can turn severe and cause loss of sensation, paralysis, and lack of bowel or bladder control. Likewise, any damage done by the spinal compression may be irreversible.

  • Hip Dysplasia – It is an inherited disease caused by a wrongful fit of the thigh bone into the hip joint. Dogs can experience a lot of pain and lameness on one or both rear legs. It is regulatory that dogs with hip dysplasia should not be bred. Make sure that your Beagle puppy’s parents are free of this kind of problem.

  • Glaucoma – This painful disease causes pressure in the eye. This makes the eyes unable to properly drain a fluid called aqueous humour. When this fluid doesn’t drain correctly, the pressure inside the eye increases causing damage to the optic nerve and resulting in vision loss and blindness.

  • Hypothyroidism – It is a disorder of the thyroid gland. It causes epilepsy, alopecia (hair loss), obesity, lethargy and other skin conditions. It is treatable.

  • Beagle Dwarfism – This condition makes the dog smaller than normal. It may or may not be accompanied by other physical abnormalities like extremely short legs.

  • Chinese Beagle Syndrome – This causes Beagles to have a wide skull and slanted eyes. Dogs with this condition have heart problems and toe abnormalities.

Beagle exercise requirements

If you plan on having a Beagle puppy, you need to have a fenced backyard. Beagles like to be outside. They like to play a lot. But for that, they need large confined areas. Beagles are wanderers by nature. Running away can be common if you don’t watch them! So make sure to place some sort of identification on your dog's collar and prevent escapades by dog-proofing your backyard.

During adolescence, Beagles have a lot energy. This means that they need plenty of exercise before they can be calm inside the house. Fortunately, this shouldn’t be too hard since Beagles love to go for walks with their family. Also, if given the chance, they adore running after rabbits! Remember that it is coded in their DNA.

However, once Beagles are more mature, they can become fairly lazy. Sometimes, Beagles will sleep all day and just get up for meals and the occasional stretch. However, you can’t let this become a routine because Beagles tend to put on weight easily!

There are numerous Beagle crossbreeds out there! Here are the most well-known:

The Cheagle

A cross between a Beagle and a Chihuahua. These small dogs are affectionate, sociable, and fun-loving. They require a lot of exercise to work off excess energy (and keep them from gaining too much weight). You'll want to start training early with these guys if you want to avoid their stubborn streak becoming a problem!

The Bagel

A cross between a Beagle and a Basset Hound. This cross has the characteristic long, floppy ears with a perfect balance in personality between energetic and laid-back. You'll need to keep these guys on leads when out in open spaces - they will follow their noses to the ends of the earth, no matter how many times you call their name!

The Beaski or Busky

A cross between a Beagle and a Siberian Husky. This hybrid dog will require a lot of exercise and won't be the best to have in an apartment - they have a big voice and they love to use it! Make sure you have a vacuum handy too - these guys are heavy shedders!

The Puggle

A cross between a Beagle and a Pug. Though they do have a stubborn side, Puggles are a very popular designer dog due to their sociable, outgoing, and loving personalities. They love nothing more than to be close to their beloved owners.

Coagle or Bocker


A post shared by Reggie The Bocker 🐾 (@reggiethebocker) on

A cross between a Beagle and a Cocker Spaniel. These dogs can be perfect companions to seniors and children who love to cuddle with their pets. They are very caring, sweet-natured and mild-mannered - they do need a lot of exercise though!

Overall, a Beagle crosses are generally wonderful family dogs. However, they can be noisy and very active. You'll need to dedicate a lot of time to their training and exercise needs. If you are always busy and hardly home, this is not the right kind of dog for you.

Check out these other mixed breeds:

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