
English bulldog lying on the floor looking lazy

A list of the laziest dog breeds

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7 low-energy dog breeds to chill with

By Ashley Murphy Content Writer

Updated on the

Choosing a pooch that matches your lifestyle is so important. That's why low-energy dog breeds are the perfect option for owners who can't give more active pooches the exercise and attention they need. Β 

Low energy dog breeds are easier to handle, train, and make excellent companions and snuggle buddies. So let's take a closer look at some of these chilled out pooches.

Lazy dog breeds

Generally speaking, a low energy dog will come in two different sizes: really big and really small. For example, little guys like French Bulldogs tend to turn into couch potatoes after their daily walk. Similarly, many of the gentle giants like to take things easy once they're stretched their long legs. Some of the more chilled out big dogs include Great Danes and St Bernards.

But there are some exceptions. Big dogs like the Husky have lots of energy to burn off and can require two hours worth of daily exercise. And any new dog owners who assume that all small dogs are low energy could be in for a huge surprise, especially if they've adopted a Jack Russel Terrier. In fact, when it comes to high energy dogs on the tiny side, the word Terrier is usually a big give away!

And then we've got pooches that look like high energy dog breeds but are actually the complete opposite. Take the sporty Greyhound; this natural athlete can reach a speed of 44mph. But if there isn't anything to chase, they'd rather spend their time snoozing on the sofa.

Dog Breeds That Require the Least Amount of Exercise

There are many advantages to getting a low energy dog. They tend to require less daily exercise, making them perfect for people living in apartments, city centres, or busy professionals who haven't got the time to take their dogs for an hour-long work every day.

These chilled-out pooches are also an excellent choice for elderly dog owners and anyone living with mobility issues. And in some cases, even a medium energy breed can be too much to handle for a first-time owner, making a laid back pooch the perfect starter dog. And there's another bonus to opting for less active dogs - they're easy to train, especially compared to boisterous and highly intelligent breeds, like a Border Collie.

Low energy dog breeds

Let's take a closer look at some dogs who prefer to live life in the slow lane.  


Pugs can be as lazy as they are adorable. But with legs that small, is no surprise that they're not fans of marathon walkie sessions.

Basset Hound

The Basset Hound was bred as a hunting dog. Even by canine standards, they have an amazing sense of smell and can track a scent across vast distances. But when they're not on duty, they'd rather go home for a nap than walk that extra mile.


With their stumpy legs and droopy jowls, it's pretty obvious that the Bulldog wasn't built for running and chasing. But they're still one of the most popular breeds in the UK, and they give the amazing cuddles!

The Bull Mastiff

As one of the biggest dogs on the block, the Bull Mastiff doesn't have to move fast for anyone. Instead, they do everything in they're own time. But despite their imposing frames, these guys are big softies around their favourite humans. A great family dog!

Chow chow

The Chow Chow is a long-haired dog breed that definitely has a lazy side. But as cute as it looks, this loafing pup still has a competitive streak, which can spill over into aggression without the proper training. This is a dog for experienced owners and handlers.


Another fluffy giant that enjoys lazy days on the sofa, the Newfoundland makes a great companion dog. But be warned, these guys are serious droolers!

Clumber Spaniel 

You don't have to be the dog whisperer to know that the Clumber Spaniel is a pooch that prefers to procrastinate. Just look at that face. It says, "Nah, let's do it tomorrow, instead."

Low energy dogs don't need as much exercise as other pups. But deciding to adopt one is still a massive responsibility. They require healthy food, the right veterinary care, training, socialisation, and all your love. In other words, none of these dogs is an 'easy' option; they just better suited to certain kinds of owners.

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