Any dog has the potential to bite, but some breeds have more powerful jaws than others. The bite force has been found to increase as size increases, with the morphology of the skull also playing a part.
The bite force of a breed is usually determined by the PSI, or pound per square inch. This indicates the amount of pressure used when the dog bites down. A human bite force ranges between 120-160 PSI, but in dogs, the PSI is much higher.
Here are 15 dog breeds with the strongest bite forces out there:
English Bulldog
With their distinctive looks and adorable personalities, it's no wonder the English Bulldog is a popular pet with dog lovers around the world. But did you know that the English Bulldog has a biting strength of 210 PSI?
As a descendent of the Mastiff, they have the ability to exert significant pressure when they bite.
American Bulldog
The American Bulldog originated in the United States, first bred for bull-baiting. More agile and athletic than their English counterparts, they have a bite force of 305 PSI.
Often kept as pets, these dogs benefit from lots of training and socialisation from a young age.
The Rottweiler is a strong, courageous dog, who is extremely loyal to his family group.
With a bite force of 328 PSI, they have particularly powerful jaws. But in the right environment, they make devoted, lovable companions.
Siberian Husky
They may be smaller and lighter than the Rottweiler, but Huskies have an equally impressive jaw strength, at 320 PSI.
With ancient, nordic roots, this primitive breed was first recognised in the UK in the 1970s. Known for their gentle nature and love of the outdoors, they make very popular companions.
American Pitbull Terrier
The Pitbull Terrier may be a banned breed in the UK, but they are popular pets in the United States.
The breed is known for its strength, and with a biting force of 235 PSI, it's easy to understand why. They may be powerful, but the Pitbull is a fun, obedient and devoted family dog if brought up and socialised properly.
The Newfoundland is a unique breed, both in terms of size and temperament. Affectionate, loyal and very docile, they are gentle giants of the dog world.
With their remarkable size of up to 80kg, the Newfoundland has a bite force of 220 PSI. This rivals breeds such as the Chow Chow and the Dutch Shepherd.
Chow Chow
The origins of the Chow Chow remain somewhat of a mystery, but the breed is thought to have originated as a war dog in China, before becoming a sled dog and a guard dog.
Solitary and quiet, they are completely devoted to their owner. With a bite force of 220 PSI and their impressive size, the Chow Chow can exert tremendous pressure when biting down.
German Shepherd
One of the most popular breeds in the UK, the German Shepherd is a multi-talented breed, able to work alongside humans in many different forms.
The German Shepherd also makes an excellent guard dog, with a powerful jaw. The bite force of this breed is comparable to that of the American Pit Bull Terrier, at 238 PSI.
Belgian Malinois
The Belgian Malinois is one of four varieties of Belgian Shepherd, selected for guarding and sporting activities. They excel in these areas, but as highly driven, intelligent working dogs, require a lot of training and mental stimulation on a daily basis.
They have a bite force of 195 PSI.
English Mastiff
The English Mastiff's heritage dates as far back as the 1880s. The breed is currently recognised as the heaviest in the world, weighing anywhere between 55kg to a whopping 110kg.
With a massive body and a very broad skull, it's no wonder the Mastiff has a remarkable bite force, of 552 PSI.
While his size and strength could prove hard to handle, the English Mastiff is actually gentle, calm and usually very docile.
Tibetan Mastiff
This ancient breed is a natural guard dog, with an impressive size and a very powerful bite.
The Tibetan Mastiff has a bite force of 550 PSI, and is known for its loyalty and protective nature. They are one of the largest breeds, reaching up to 75kg in weight.
Dobermann Pinscher
The Dobermann originated in Germany, bred as a guard dog from as early as the 1850s.
The breed has a bite force of 228 PSI. Often chosen for personal protection, they are known for being loyal and devoted to their owners.
Tosa Inu
The Tosa was created by crossing native Japanese dogs with Western breeds like the Mastiff and Bull Terriers, to enhance their strength and fighting ability.
Protective and loyal, these dogs can reach around 60kg once fully grown. They have a bite force of 556 PSI.
The Tosa Inu is currently banned in the UK under the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991.
Cane Corso
The Cane Corso, also know as the Italian Mastiff, is an excellent watchdog.
With a bite force of 650 PSI, this protective guard dog can be naturally wary of strangers. With the right training and socialisation from a young age, they can make calm and well-balanced companions.
Turkish Kangal
The Turkish Kangal is a large guardian breed, often used in their native Turkey to protect against wolves and bears.
Gentle and affectionate with their family, these dogs are usually aloof and wary of strangers.
With a bite force of 743 PSI, the Kangal has the strongest bite in the dog world.
While dogs with stronger bites can potentially cause more damage, it's important to remember that bite force does not necessarily make a dog more likely to bite than another. With the right training and socialisation, even the most powerful breed can grow into a loving, well-balanced companion.