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Man shines light in the darkness and what he finds takes his breath away

By Justine Seraphin Country Manager

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In a rescue mission captured on video, Hope for Paws received a distress call regarding Cadence, a mistreated Pitbull. 

Found cowering between buildings, Cadence displayed signs of deep fear. Despite her apprehension, she allowed rescuers to approach, demonstrating a glimmer of trust amid her distress.

Cadence's journey to safety

With patience and care, the team gently coaxed Cadence to safety, slipping a leash over her head and comforting her with gentle pets. Their swift action ensured Cadence's safe passage into their vehicle, where she embarked on a journey to receive the care she desperately needed.

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Based on her injuries and swollen face, it was assumed that Cadence had been used as a bait dog by dog fighters. It's a wonder she was still friendly with both humans and animals.

An incredible transformation

As Cadence's story unfolds in the video, viewers witness her remarkable transformation from a terrified and mistreated animal to one filled with hope and trust. Her experience shows us that Pitbulls, like all dogs, thrive when treated with kindness and compassion.

Through advocacy and awareness, Hope for Paws continues to make a difference in the lives of animals like Cadence, offering hope and a second chance at a loving home.

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