
brindle dog walking around petrol station
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People see mysterious animal roaming around car wash, and quickly call for help

By Justine Seraphin Country Manager

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This poor stray was struggling to feed and shelter himself until kind people from a local animal shelter stepped in to save him.

Bo, a large Azores Cattle Dog, was dumped at a car wash in Toronto by his heartless owners. He was left there to fend for himself for 7 months.

Finding rescue

Thankfully, a local animal rescue heard about Bo's story and did everything they coud to rescue him. With Bo being so hungry, it was easy to tempt him with tasty treats!

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After lots of patience and determination, rescuers were able to catch Bo in a live trap.

A new start for Bo

Bo was then transported to the shelter where he received a lot of TLC. He was found to be an incredibly gentle and well-mannered dog. Despite the fact that he was slowly going blind, rescuers were optimistic that he would quickly find a loving forever home.

Animal shelters encourage people who can no longer care for their pets to relinquish them to rescues directly instead of dumping them and leaving them to fend for themselves. That way, they have a better chance of surviving and getting a second chance at life. Bo was lucky that he was found by some very good people at the right time!

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