Phoebe is a delightful black-and-white Border Collie whose owner took in two adorable stray foster kittens, a grey kitten called Grayvy and a ginger kitten named Biscuit.
The kittens were only a few weeks old when they arrived at Phoebe's house. But the big-hearted pup couldn't go near them for the first ten days as the kittens were isolated for a parasite infection.
Kittens in isolation
Phoebe and the kittens had to be in separate rooms, but they could still see each other through a small glass door. Phoebe was desperate to get to know the tiny kittens, so when the day came for her owner to introduce her to the kittens, she couldn't stop wagging her tail.
Biscuit didn't hesitate to approach the dog and snuggle up to her. But Grayvy took a little more convincing. He would immediately run away whenever Phoebe lifted her head and moved towards the little kitten. So, the dog's owner told her to stay down, which she did without hesitation.
Best friends forever
But the little grey kitten was curious about the dog, especially her tail. He couldn't stop watching Phoebe's fluffy tail wagging, and eventually, curiosity got the better of him, and he started playing with it. After that, it didn't take Grayvy long to build up the courage to get closer to the dog, and the pair got to know each other with a few sniffs and face licks. When the kitten realised there was nothing to fear, he was happy to snuggle in with his new surrogate mum, even having meals with her.
The video ends with the kittens happily cuddled up to their new canine best friend. And for her patience and gentleness, Phoebe was rewarded with a tasty dog biscuit!