
Dog looking at tennis ball
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When dogs spot balls on Grandma's walker they have the funniest reaction (video)

By Ashley Murphy Content Writer

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A pair of confused pooches tried to grab tennis balls fixed to the bottom of their grandma's walker. Some dogs will do anything to get their mouth around a ball!

The Grandma visited the pups (and the rest of her family) over Christmas following hip surgery. To help her get around during the recovery period, Grandma used a walking frame with tennis balls attached to the bottom.

An unusual game of fetch

Walkers usually have rubber tips on the bottom, but they still tend to slide, increasing the chance of a dangerous fall. The grip on tennis balls can help improve stability and create more traction while moving.

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It's one of those genius little lifehacks. Unless, of course, there are dogs about! Then, it can become a bit of a problem.

In this case, the family's dogs presumed that the balls were their Christmas gifts and that Granny had stuck them to her walker as part of some fun game

And the dogs were more than happy to play along! In a short clip posted on YouTube, the pups try to grab the balls on Granny's walker as she walks across the living room floor. 

Why do dogs love tennis balls?

The pair eventually give up, realising that this game of fetch isn't as fun as it looks. Or maybe they've finally realised that these are the only tennis balls in the world that don't belong to them. Either way, the pair look adorable in their matching Christmas jumpers!

"So cute and funny," posted one viewer. "Only dogs do stuff like this!"

Canines are hard-wired to chase tennis balls and other objects. Chasing, hunting, and retrieving are part of their DNA and games like fetch stimulates their natural prey instinct. And the praise they get from bringing the object back satisfies their need to please humans. 

But not all dogs love a game of fetch. Try throwing a ball for a Bulldog to chase. The only thing you'll get in return is a look that says something like, "Not interested. You can go fetch that yourself."

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