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Researchers reveal best way to apologise to your dog and it's not what you think

By Zoë Monk Content Writer

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You've just realised you've accidentally stepped on your dog's tail or paw. But instead of hugging them, there might be a more effective way to apologise.

Scientists have found that using ‘dog-directed speech’ (DDS), often referred to as a baby voice, is the best way to reassure your pet.

A study published in Animal Cognition revealed that dogs are more attentive and responsive when spoken to in a high-pitched, affectionate tone.

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Strengthen bonds

This tone can help strengthen the bond between you and your furry friend while easing their distress.

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Along with speaking softly, you should check for any signs of injury. If you notice swelling or redness, gently ice the area for about 10 minutes. 

Most importantly, remain calm, dogs are highly perceptive and can pick up on human emotions.

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Soothing voice

In fact, research from The Royal Society suggests dogs understand when something was an accident.

Ultimately, a soothing voice, gentle stroking, and a little patience are all it takes for your dog to forgive you. And, of course, a treat never hurts!

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