
Gizmo the lost chihuahua
© Michael Dearing / Facebook

Despite his catastrophic condition, owners recognise missing dog 9 years later

By Justine Seraphin Country Manager

Published on the

Gizmo the Chihuahua disappeared almost 10 years ago, and has now been reunited with his owners.

Gizmo's disappearance dates back to February 2015, but it still brings back bad memories for his owners. When the little dog was two years old, he escaped from his home in Las Vegas (USA) with the other two dogs in the household, and although a neighbour was able to recover the other two, he was unable to get his hands on the tiny Chihuahua.

Judith, Gizmo's owner, began a long-term search: posting posters everywhere and creating a Facebook page called ‘Bring Gizmo Home’, she had never given up hope of one day finding her dog. And rightly so, because Gizmo is finally back home, 9 years after he disappeared.

A worrying state of health

On the evening of 17 July 2024, Gizmo's owner received an unexpected email from a vet clinic: Gizmo had finally been found! The poor animal was in a terrible state. Now 11 years old, he bears the scars of a long life of wandering: covered in matted fur, he had to be completely shaved. He also has numerous missing teeth, periodontal disease and an eye infection

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Although her dog was unrecognisable, Judith said she recognised him immediately by looking into his eyes. As soon as she said his name, the poor little animal tilted his head and kept staring at his owner. What suffering and loneliness he must have gone through...

Microchipping saves the day

Although Gizmo's state of health is shocking and will require a great deal of care, Judith is delighted to have finally found him after so many years of thinking about him and never giving up the search. In the hope of helping her dog as best she can, she has opened an online fund to help cover the many veterinary costs involved. More than $8,000 has already been raised to get Gizmo back on his feet.

This incredible story is a reminder of the importance of animal identification: while it is above all compulsory, it is also essential in the event of loss. If Gizmo had not been microchipped, he would never have been reunited with his owners. 

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