
young woman sitting at work desk with italian greyhound on lap
© Wamiz

Opinion: My company lets me take days off when I take my dog to the vet, and every company should do the same

By Justine Seraphin Country Manager

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Wamiz offers paid leave for employees' vet appointments, and as a loving owner of an ageing dog, I think every company should do the same.

I’m the proud dog owner of an almost-15-year-old Italian Greyhound named Elton. He’s quite the personality. In fact, I always say he has no idea that he’s a dog, he definitely thinks he’s a human. He’s refined and almost arrogant at times (he’ll look at dogs that jump into muddy puddles with disdain), and he believes he deserves the best seat in the house - whether it’s on the sofa or around the kitchen table. Elton’s been by my side through it all: bullying in high school, tough break ups, grandparents passing away…and no matter what the circumstances, he always manages to bring a smile to my face.

That’s why watching him get older is hard. I’m the one to turn around now during walks to make sure he’s still there; it used to be the other way around. Play sessions are fewer and farther between. Every pet is gentler, for fear of hurting his frailer body.

I’m not kidding myself. I know we’re closer to the end of his life than we are to the start. I know my time with him is limited. But like any owner who loves their dog, I want to make it last as long as I possibly can.

We’ve recently come up on a health issue and some tough decisions have to be made. Elton’s teeth have always been bad, and regardless of us brushing his teeth every day, he’s developed periodontal disease. His vet has refused for the past couple of years to perform a dental cleaning due to his advanced age and to his heart murmur. But it’s coming to a point where the infection is starting to cause him discomfort, and sometimes even pain.

So what do we do? Risk anesthesia and his heart giving out to try to alleviate his pain and provide him with a long term solution? Or do we not put him under and instead continue giving him antibiotics from time to time to provide some relief without ever really fixing the problem?

We can’t make these decisions by ourselves. The only solution is to get an expert opinion.

Seeing experts for your dog is much like seeing experts for yourself. Sometimes, the only medical appointments available are weeks ahead. That is, if you’re able to go during the week. If not, you might have to wait months before you can get an appointment during the weekend.

But we don’t have that kind of time. The earliest appointment available was during the week. So I booked it. I took an afternoon off of work to see a canine stomatologist with Elton.

The following week, I took another afternoon off to see a canine cardiologist.

This week, I’m taking a morning off to take him to a different clinic, and see other experts, to get a second opinion.

My dog is my life. The thought of losing him makes my heart ache. The thought of knowing he’s in pain is even worse. I want to make sure we’re making the right decisions, and that we’re seeing the right doctors, who will be able to provide him with the best care.

Not everyone has the luxury of being able to take time off work to take their dog to see a vet. But the company I work for, Wamiz, has a dedicated solution in place.

Since October 2023, all employees have the right to 3 days’ (or 6 half days’) paid leave a year specifically for vet appointments.

Using these days for Elton’s vet appointments has been such a relief during an otherwise extremely stressful time. Instead of worrying about using up my vacation days, or trying to find appointments outside of work hours, or trying to juggle both at the same time, I’ve been able to take my time. Get appointments as soon as they’re available. Spend hours at the clinic if needed. Book follow up appointments.

I wish every company was this understanding. I wish every owner could book a vet appointment without having to wonder how they’re going to fit it into their work schedule. Taking care of a sick or elderly animal is hard enough. Let alone if your boss doesn’t want you to take time off, or is making you feel like your pet’s health is less important than any other family member’s.

I never thought of this company benefit before today. But now I’m so grateful that I have it.

I hope everything will work out positively for my dog. But I know no matter what, I will have done everything I could. And that’s also thanks to Wamiz.

Would you want to have this kind of benefit in place for your company? Share your experience with me in the comments below!

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