
Sack  that contained cat dumped on street
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Horrific find inside rubbish bag dumped on street raises questions

By Ashley Murphy Content Writer

Published on the

Why? Just why? That's the only thing we could say after coming across this latest instance of animal cruelty.

A passerby discovered a cat tied up in a plastic bag that had been dumped down a backstreet in Wurzen, a small town in Leipzig, Germany. Now an animal rescue charity is offering a reward to help find whoever did this.

It's an awful and inhumane thing to do. And the story gets even worse. This cat was carrying kittens. Shocking.

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Right place, right time

The unnamed hero opened the bag after seeing something wriggling about inside it. And thank god they were walking by at that exact moment. 

The mom cat was just hours away from going into labour. She gave birth to three cute kittens at a local animal rescue shelter that night. Staff and vets had everything they needed to make sure that mum-cat was safe and well cared for during the delivery.

Shelter staff named the new mum Chloe. Mum and her babies are all doing great and will soon be up for adoption.

This tragic story had a happy ending. Still, some shelter workers could not understand why anyone could do this. And they wanted justice for  Chloe and her babies.

So they contacted People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), which agreed to put up a £500 reward for any information on the person who decided to throw this mom-to-be out like trash.

This can't go unpunished

Let's hope it works and this awful human being is identified, arrested, and prosecuted. People can't get away with treating innocent animals like they're nothing.

Germany has some of the toughest animal cruelty laws in Europe. Anyone found guilty of causing undue suffering to an animal faces up to three years in prison.

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