Dog owners generally have a hard time to train their dogs, especially if they get puppies! Fortunately, Dominic Hodgson wrote a book that contains simple tips which can potentially make trips to the park much easier. Furthermore, Hodgson says that these tips are far more important because by teaching your dog some control, you are making sure that your pet is safe from harm.
Who is Dominic Hodgson?
Dominic Hodgson is a dog walker and trainer from Sunderland. He is the author of 'Worry Free Walks', a book that shares tips about training your pet. In an interview with ChronicleLive, he said that the aim of this book was not only to teach pet parents how to train their pets but also to ensure that every dog is for life.
"The stuff I teach, it isn't even really in-depth training, it's building up a bond with your dog," said Hodgson. "One of the main things dog owners do is allow their dog to become interested in things that don't involve them when they're on walks. That's how you lose control. If you're taking your dog to the park and letting him play with other dogs or chase scents he'll think that's what coming to the park is for. Then every time you come to the park they'll be looking for dogs to play with and scents to chase. Take some food, take some games, and make the walk all about being with you”, said Hodgson.
He also studied the nature of dogs and how best to approach it. “A dog is hard-wired to like food and playing so all you need to do is make sure you're providing that. A lot of the advice centres around making sure that you're the centre of attention for your pet”, said Hodgson.
A piece of advice on how to train your dog
Hodgson suggests that it is best to create a safe space for the dog early on. You can do so by introducing them to a crate. This helps them understand that there will be times when they will be on their own, but eventually you will return. "Proper training helps keep dogs and owners together, and it keeps dogs out of rescue", said Hodgson.