
Does my dog know I’m pregnant: Pregnant woman next to Golden Retriever

Does my dog know I’m pregnant?

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Does my dog know I’m pregnant?

By Zoë Monk Content Writer

Published on the

Can dogs sense pregnancy in humans? Many owners notice changes in their dog's behaviour and wonder if their furry friend knows they're expecting.

So, you’ve just discovered you’re expecting a little bundle of joy and might be wondering if your dog knows about it, too.

Pregnancy is an exciting and life-changing experience, but it can also bring unexpected changes in your relationship with your dog. Many pet owners have reported that their dogs behave differently during pregnancy, leading them to wonder: does my dog know I’m pregnant?

While there is no definitive scientific proof, anecdotal evidence suggests that dogs can sense pregnancy through their keen sense of smell, observant nature, and ability to detect body language and emotional changes.

How does my dog know I’m pregnant? 

Dogs are known for their remarkable senses, particularly their keen sense of smell and ability to detect body language changes. While they might not understand pregnancy the way humans do, they can certainly sense that something is different.

Hormonal changes 

Pregnancy triggers a surge of hormones, including estrogen, progesterone, and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). These hormonal changes alter a woman’s natural scent, which a dog’s highly sensitive nose can detect. The canine nose has up to 300 million olfactory receptors (compared to a human’s six million), making it incredibly adept at picking up even the most subtle scent changes.

From the very early stages of pregnancy, your dog might sense these changes long before you even know yourself. This could explain why some dogs start acting differently even before their owner confirms their pregnancy.

Behavioural changes in dogs sensing pregnancy

Once a dog picks up on the hormonal changes and physical adjustments happening to their owner, their behaviour may begin to shift. These behavioural changes vary between dogs and depend on their personality, level of attachment, and past experiences.

Increased clinginess

One of the most common signs that a dog senses pregnancy is increased clinginess. Your dog may suddenly follow you from room to room, refuse to leave your side, or constantly seek physical affection. They may even start developing signs of separation anxiety. This behaviour is likely their way of offering comfort and reassurance, or it could stem from their own uncertainty about the changes in routine happening around them.

More protective and loving

Some dogs develop a protective instinct when they sense their owner is pregnant. They might guard you more closely, become wary of strangers, or position themselves between you and others. While this behaviour is rooted in love and loyalty, it’s important to ensure it doesn’t escalate into overprotectiveness, which could lead to anxiety or aggression.

More curious

Dogs are naturally observant, and during pregnancy, they might show increased curiosity about their owner. You may notice them sniffing you more often, resting their head on your belly, or reacting differently to your movements. Some dogs even seem to predict labour by becoming more restless or attentive in the days leading up to birth.

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Why is my dog acting differently now that I’m pregnant?

Dogs thrive on routine and familiarity, so any changes in routine or daily habits can cause them to act differently. Pregnancy often comes with changes in posture, energy levels, mood, and routine, all of which your dog will notice.

Changes in routine

As your pregnancy progresses, your daily habits might shift. You might take shorter walks, rest more, or experience emotional changes. Your dog, being highly attuned to your behaviour, will notice these disruptions and may react by seeking more attention or showing signs of confusion.

Emotional changes

Dogs are incredibly sensitive to their owners’ emotions. If you’re experiencing mood swings, stress, or excitement, your dog will likely pick up on these cues. Some dogs respond by offering comfort, while others may become more anxious themselves.

How to prepare your dog for the baby’s arrival

If your dog is showing signs that they sense your pregnancy, it’s important to help them adjust to the upcoming changes. A new baby means shifts in routine, new smells, and unfamiliar sounds, all of which can be unsettling for your pet. Here are some steps to ease their transition and ensure a smooth introduction to their new family member:

Maintain routines

Try to keep feeding, walking, and play schedules as consistent as possible to provide a sense of stability. If changes are unavoidable, introduce them gradually so your dog has time to adapt before the baby arrives.

Your dog will encounter new sights, smells, and sounds once the baby arrives. To prevent them from feeling overwhelmed, allow them to sniff baby items, such as blankets and clothes before the baby is born. Playing recordings of baby noises at a low volume can also help desensitise them to crying and other new sounds.

Set boundaries early

If certain areas, like the nursery, will be off-limits, start training your dog to respect these boundaries before the baby arrives. Use baby gates or closed doors to reinforce these limits while still allowing your pet to feel included in family life.

Reinforce positive behaviour

Reward calm and relaxed behaviour with praise and treats, especially when your dog interacts appropriately with baby-related items. This helps them associate the baby’s presence with positive experiences, reducing the likelihood of anxiety or jealousy.

Training sessions

Utilise this time to brush up on obedience training, focusing on essential obedience commands like “sit,” “stay,” and “leave it.” Teaching your dog to remain calm around new stimuli will help create a safe and peaceful environment for both your baby and your pet.

With patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement, your dog can adjust smoothly to this big change and continue to be a loving part of your growing family.

While there isn't sufficient scientific proof for us to really know whether dogs fully understand pregnancy, the combination of their keen sense of smell and ability to detect body language suggests they are aware of the changes happening to their owner. If your dog’s behavioural changes become significant during your pregnancy, be patient and provide reassurance. With a little preparation, your dog can transition smoothly into life with a new baby, continuing to be a loyal and loving companion.

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