Meet the elegant black cat breeds
Black cats have a timeless beatuy about them. Bombays, Sphynx cats, and Persians are among these cat breeds who boast a dark and luxurious coat. Discover our selection of black cat breeds.
- American Bobtail
- American Curl
- American Shorthair
- American Wirehair
- Balinese cat
- Birman
- Bombay
- British Longhair
- British Shorthair
- Burmilla
- California Spangled
- Californian Rex
- Ceylon
- Chausie
- Chinchilla Persian
- Cornish Rex
- Cymric
- Devon Rex
- Domestic shorthair
- Donskoy
- Egyptian Mau
- European Shorthair
- Exotic shorthair
- German Rex
- Highland Fold
- Himalayan
- Japanese Bobtail
- Javanese
- LaPerm
- Maine Coon
- Manx
- Munchkin
- Norwegian Forest cat
- Ocicat
- Oriental
- Persian
- Peterbald
- Ragamuffin
- Ragdoll
- Russian Blue
- Safari
- Savannah
- Scottish Fold
- Selkirk Rex
- Siamese Cat
- Siberian cat
- Snowshoe
- Tiffany
- Tonkinese
- Turkish Angora
- Turkish Van