Devon Rex
Other name: The Poodle cat

The Devon Rex resembles the Cornish Rex with its slender legs, muscular body and tail. But its curly hair is more reminiscent of a Poodle or a sheep. Its large, round ears are like those of bats. Suffice to say that this cat is very unique in its appearance.
Life expectancy |
The Devon Rex has a life expectancy of between 12 and 16 years |
Temperament |
Adult size |
Approximately 12 in
Approximately 12 in
Adult weight |
Between 4 and 7 lb
Between 7 and 9 lb
Coat colour
Black, white, chocolate, red, cinnamon and all dilutions gray / blue, lilac, cream, fawn, etc. |
Type of coat
Short |
Eye colour
Blue, aquamarine, green, golden yellow, walleyed |
Purchase price |
The Devon Rex costs between £200 and £500 |
It takes 6 months for this cat’s fur to take its adult form.
More details about the Devon Rex
Devon Rex: Origins and history
It was in Devon, that a Haret cat with curly-looking fur was found and crossed with a tricolour domestic cat. A kitten, named Kirlee, was born with this frizzy coat. It was in 1960, when the Cornish Rex which already existed, could be crossed with Kirlee to see if the mutation of the hair was identical for these two breeds or not. As the kittens from these litters displayed the short coat of a domestic cat, it proved that the two "frizzy hair" mutations observed in the Devon and Cornish Rex were not identical and are especially recessive characteristics.
In order to fix the mutation, it was necessary to make many inbreeding crosses which gave birth to the appearance of myasthenia. As this disease was lethal, European and American breeders had to closely monitor the lines in order to avoid it. It was in 1967 that FIFe recognised this breed.
Devon Rex: Characteristics
Devon Rex: Behaviour
Breed compatibility Devon Rex
Devon Rex: Purchase price
The average price of a Devon Rex kitten in breeding is between £200 and £500. This price varies according to the quality of the pedigree, where it comes from, compliance with breed standards, age when buying or even gender. It will cost on average £35 to £45 per month to provide for its need, providing quality food and regular care for its eyes and ears in particular.
Devon Rex: Shedding
The Poodle Cat almost doesn’t moult.
Devon Rex: Grooming
A light weekly brushing is enough to keep its hair shiny.
It is advisable to clean its ears weekly due to there being a lot of earwax.
It is also possible that it will need to be washed as cats of this breed sweat. It helps to get it used to water as soon as possible.
Devon Rex: Health
Expected to live between 12 and 16 years.
This Poodle Cat will not like drafts or the cold so it is important to ensure that your house is warm in winter.
When a Devon Rex puts on weight, you’ll notice it very quickly. By adapting its diet to its level of activity and using an interactive bowl to feed it, you’ll be able to ensure it stays in shape.
The Devon Rex can suffer from the same diseases as other domestic felines, such as oral problems.
It may also suffer from diseases related more specifically to this breed:
- Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy which results in the thickening of the heart muscle. This illness causes heart failure that can result in arrhythmias or even pulmonary edema. Screening is carried out by means of an echocardiography examination, which is usually renewed annually. A treatment can be administered which can reduce discomfort.
- Myasthenia gravis resulting in muscular dystrophy. The Poodle Cat will not hold its head so high, it will have an abnormal gait with more visible shoulders and it will tire quickly. Being a genetic disease, there is no treatment to date. A screening test has been available for a few years.
- A predisposition to dermatological problems is possible.
Females come in heat quite frequently and can give birth to an average litter of 4 to 6 kittens.
The Devon Rex is not allowed to be mated with any other breed.