Chinchilla Persian

Other name: Silver Persian

Photo: adult cat of Chinchilla Persian breed
Photo: kitten of Chinchilla Persian breed
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Life expectancy

The Chinchilla Persian has a life expectancy of between 12 and 18 years


Adult size

Female Between 9 and 10 in
Male Between 9 and 10 in

Adult weight

Female Between 7 and 15 lb
Male Between 7 and 15 lb
Coat colour
Black Brown Blue
Type of coat
Eye colour
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More details about the Chinchilla Persian

Chinchilla Persian: Origins and history

In 1880, an English breeder, Mrs. Vallence, crosses a Persian "smoke" with a "silver tabby" which gave birth to the very first Persian Chinchilla: Silver Lambkin. This breed spread rapidly throughout the kingdom thanks to the Queen's niece, Princess Victoria, who fell in love with it. It was recognised by the British Feline Breeds Register (GCCF) in 1901. The selection process was careful to create the emerald eyes and lighten the coat which, at first, was darker. The Second World War impacted the European branch of this breed, weakened by the rigorous selective breeding. Today, this is one of the most sought-after varieties of Persian.

Chinchilla Persian: Purchase price

We don't have enough data to provide an average price for a Chinchilla Persian. The price often varies according to the lineage, the breeder, the age or even the sex. For the monthly budget, it will cost on average £35 / month to support the needs of Silver Persian, by offering a quality diet and ensuring their good health.

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