
Boy saving dog in swimming pool

Quick thinking boy spots lifeless puppy in pool and immediately leaps into action

By Ashley Murphy Content Writer

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A five-year-old boy leapt into a swimming pool to save his German Shepherd dog brother from drowning. What a little superhero!

A CCTV camera filmed this dramatic rescue in the backyard of a family home in Argentina.

A young hero arrives

The short clip starts with a German Shepherd puppy sniffing around the edge of a pool. But the curious pup, who hasn't learnt the doggy paddle yet, overstretches and slips into the water.  

The video cuts forward, and we see the poor pup struggling to stay afloat. And that's when his rescuer arrives. The five-year-old boy jumps into the pool and drags his furry friend to safety. His mum then rushes to the poolside and pulls her babies out of the water.

"I can't believe it," wrote the boy's cousin, who posted the clip on social media. "My cousin had only just learned to swim and jumped in without a second thought for himself. He is our hero. Let's make my cousin go viral. He deserves it."

The clip has now received over 4 million plays and almost 500,000 likes on TikTok and other social media platforms. 

Keeping dogs away from water

It's thought the dog was alone in the water for up to 10 minutes. It showed signs of shock and hyperthermia, and vets kept him overnight for observation. But the tough little guy made a speedy and full recovery, and the experience has helped create a special bond with his human brother that will last forever. 

Let's hope the family has taken precautions to prevent this from happening again. Puppies and even dogs who can swim should never be left alone by a pool. 

Canine experts recommend installing a gate or pet barrier around the pool. Sensor systems that alarm when someone falls into the water are another good option. 

You could also invest in a doggy life jacket. They help keep dogs safe during water adventures. And they look super cute!

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