
A Dogue de Bordeaux
© Waza_67 - Pixabay

The rise in abandoned animals in the UK reaches crisis levels, warns RSPCA

By Zoë Monk Content Writer

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The RSPCA has revealed a “shocking” increase in abandoned animals across the East of England.

New figures show a startling 51% rise in cases in England and Wales over the past three years.

As part of its Join The Christmas Rescue campaign, the charity highlighted surges in animal neglect in key areas.

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41% rise in Essex alone

Essex saw 582 abandonment cases in 2023, a 41% rise since 2021, while Bedfordshire experienced a 44% increase, with cases climbing from 142 to 205. Other counties, including Northamptonshire (22%) and Suffolk (15%), also reported significant upticks.

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RSPCA chief inspector Ian Briggs warned the situation could worsen this winter as rising costs leave pet owners struggling. “We’re seeing an alarming rise in calls to our emergency line about abandoned pets,” he said.

Shocking increase in abandoned pets

One case involved Roxy, a severely underweight Dogue de Bordeaux, found huddled under a hedge in Boxted, Essex, in April. Weighing just 29kg – far below the healthy 83kg for her breed – she was rescued by locals and rehomed after intensive care.

RSPCA inspector Nicky Thorne described Roxy’s state as “heartbreaking,” adding: “Too many animals are suffering behind closed doors.

The charity urges the public to report concerns as it braces for more cases this winter.

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