
Couple takes puppy home; but just two days later they make heartbreaking decision
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Couple takes puppy home; but just two days later they make heartbreaking decision

By Justine Seraphin Country Manager

Published on the

The pandemic has brought along a wave of dog-related crimes in the UK, and the sad part is that new dog owners play a huge role in letting them happen.

Dogs Trust recently shared Sarah’s story after she decided she needed to warn other new dog owners. It was around Christmas time that Sarah and her partner went to pick up their 8-week-old Border Collie

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Tragedy strikes for Border Collie puppy

They had seen an advertisement for the pup online. According to the description and the photos, the puppy was happy and healthy.

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Unfortunately, once they brought the puppy home, it was clear that something was wrong. Sick and lethargic, the pup had to be rushed to the vet, who confirmed that he was suffering from parvovirus. Just two days later, the poor puppy had to be euthanised to end his suffering.

How to spot a bad breeder

Devastated, the puppy’s owners shared their story to ensure it wouldn’t happen to anyone else. Unfortunately, with demand for puppies rising exponentially in the past year, many unscrupulous dog breeders have popped up nationwide. These breeders usually don’t take good care of their dogs, and many end up sick, just like Sarah’s. 

So, how do you know if a breeder is a “bad” breeder? They probably won’t let you meet your puppy’s parents. They might not show you where they keep their dogs. They won’t have proof of your puppy’s vaccination. And they might try to avoid your questions. 

If you’re going to purchase a puppy, make sure you do your research beforehand. The more people buy from these backyard breeders, the more this kind of tragedy will continue to happen.

And remember, there are thousands of lovely dogs waiting for homes in shelters!

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