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Dog won't move during walk, then owner notices something move in the bushes

By Justine Seraphin Country Manager

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Dogs have an excellent sense of smell. Much better than ours, it can often lead them to uncovering things that we, as humble humans, may have never noticed.

Opie the dog was taking a walk with his humans. Suddenly, he stood still in front of a bush. And no matter how often his owner called him, Opie wouldn’t budge.

His owner then heard a little noise coming from inside the bushes, so he decided to take a closer look. And that’s when he discovered a tiny little kitten, all alone. 

Dog rescues orphaned kitten

The poor little guy was shivering and helpless. As for Opie, he wouldn’t stop whining, as if to say, “Please Dad, can we keep him?” So Opie’s Dad did as he was told, picked up the little kitten, and took him home. 

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Because he was only two days old, the little kitten needed a lot of care in his first few weeks with his new family. But after many hours of bottle feeding and TLC, the kitten, who was named Roscoe, was back on his feet.

Friends forever

Now, Roscoe is a strong and healthy adult cat, but he never forgot that if it weren’t for Opie, he wouldn’t be where he is now. In fact, Opie and Roscoe have become the best of friends and love to do everything together! 

Some friendships are just meant to be!

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