
Tabby cat jumping off roof as firefighter tries to catch him
© La Dépêche du Midi/ Facebook

"He's alive!": Cat stuck on roof jumps into void, leaving onlookers in disbelief (video)

By Greta Inglis Dog Behaviourist | Animal Behaviourist

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The heart-stopping moment a cat jumped from the roof of a church has left viewers stunned, after efforts to capture the fearless feline were unsuccessful. 

They say cats always land on feet, but can this possibly be the case when falling from 25 metres? 

It seems one lucky tabby has used another of his nine lives, surviving a terrifying jump from a church roof in France. 

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The heart-stopping jump

The cat ventured onto the roof when a door was left open during some construction work, quickly becoming stuck once the door was closed. 

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Four days later, a worried resident contacted the fire brigade, who immediately agreed to help. 

Firefighters put together a plan, whereby they would capture the cat using a special lasso. But as soon as they approached, the frantic feline jumped into the void, plummeting down to the ground below. 

"He's alive!"

Onlookers cried out, fearing the worst. 

Then, much to everyone's surprise, the impossible happened. 

The tabby cat is seen running from the scene, frightened but very much alive. 

"He's alive, he's alive!", exclaimed an onlooker in disbelief.

Thankfully, the cat was later spotted recovering from his ordeal, hungry but unharmed. 

"That cat is Spiderman", commented a viewer. 

"Incredible!", agreed another. 

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