Elle Mackesey lives in an old farmhouse in rural Illinois, USA.
From her window, she often sees her neighbour's cats roam about the property. And over time, Henry, Clyde and Mama have become regular visitors.
A beautiful friendship
Of all her furry visitors, it's with ginger tomcat Clyde that Elle has formed the strongest bond.
"Clyde would sit in front of the shed, meow for food and attention, then run across the fields to his other home," the cat lover told Newsweek. "He would come back in the evening too when he saw me coming home."
One day, Elle even found Clyde sleeping in her car, trying to be near her whenever possible.
Refusing to leave
A few weeks later, things took an unexpected turn.
No longer satisfied with his daily visits, Clyde decided to settle in to Elle's bed.
Then, much to everyone's surprise, he refused to leave!
Clyde now sleeps in Elle's bedroom every night. Fortunately, his owner is very understanding.
Elle stays in constant contact with his original family to give them updates on the tomcat. "They've given me big boxes of wet food for him and my other cats. It's very kind of them", she explained.