On 29 November, a dog handler and experienced hunter known as Martin P was taking part in a red deer hunt near Peitz with his three German Hunting Terriers. After the hunt began, the GPS signal from his dogs suddenly stopped.
It was an immediate warning for the experienced hunter – but nothing could have prepared him for what happened next.
Red deer hunt turns into a nightmare
"I suddenly heard the screaming," says Martin. He dropped everything and ran as fast as he could. In a panic, he rushed through the rough terrain, convinced the sounds were coming from his dogs.
When he got within about 50 metres, he saw the cause of their cries – a young wolf had bitten into his female terrier, Amsel.
The scene was like something out of a horror film. Amsel lay on the ground, held by the wolf. Meanwhile, her two terrier companions attacked the wolf, trying desperately to rescue their friend. "My dogs stick together," Martin says.
It wasn't until the wolf noticed the approaching hunter that it released the dog and fled over a wild boar protection fence.
Martin immediately rushed to the vet with the motionless Amsel and his other two dogs. Fortunately, Amsel wore a protective vest, preventing more severe injuries. She sustained bite wounds to her head and bruises to her hind legs but survived.

Protective vest saves the day
Martin believes the vest saved Amsel’s life.
The incident has shaken him, and he says he will only in larger groups in the future and avoid this area.
"The wolves have learned that dogs are easy prey," he said.

Tragically, this attack is not the first in the region. Last year, a Beagle was killed by a wolf nearby.