
funeral for dog and nicola peltz beckham with chihuahua
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Nicola Peltz Beckham devastated after dog’s tragic grooming incident

By Louise Barton Content Writer

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Her dog’s untimely passing has lead Nicola Peltz Beckham to warn other dog owners about the risks of dog grooming.

In June 2024, actress Nicola Peltz shared devastating news on Instagram - her 9-year-old Chihuahua, Nala, had passed away suddenly after a routine trip to the groomers.

Vets couldn’t say what caused Nala’s passing, but records show that she had fluid in her lungs, neurological problems, and a rapid heart rate shortly before her death. Peltz also explained that her dog was hyperventilating when she got home.

Nicola Peltz warns about dog groomers

Since then, the actress has been taking to social media to warn other dog owners about the dangers of taking a dog to a professional groomer:

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"We need to do better and change the laws to better protect fur babies and the loving owners who care for them."

PETA commented on Peltz’s posts, stating:

"We encourage everyone to learn to groom animals at home or employ a groomer who makes house calls under your watchful eye."

The groomers in question were not named, but according to Peltz, they are no longer cooperating with her.

Mixed feelings from the public

Nicola’s loss has been met with lots of empathy, but others have also been quick to judge.

Indeed, Nicola organised a funeral, complete with a casket and a full-blown ceremony for her deceased pet. While some found this sweet, others thought it was too much, with someone commenting:

"I have never seen something so out of touch. It's astonishing actually."

And to add fuel to the fire, Peltz recently posted a video of her Bolognese dog on TikTok. His coat had clearly been dyed at the groomers - bright pink all over his body and orange on his ears and legs.

"That dog omg; you did not do that to that poor dog; poor dog!", wrote one user.

It does seem contradictory to send your dog to the groomers for a hair dye after blaming them for your previous dog’s passing - what do you think?

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