
pekingese voted world's ugliest dog

Wild Thang was voted 2024's Ugliest Dog

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Pekingese named Wild Thang is voted World's Ugliest Dog

By Justine Seraphin Country Manager

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After going through five entries in the past already, Wild Thang has finally been crowned the "ugliest dog" in the world in 2024.

A Pekingese named Wild Thang was voted the World's "Ugliest Dog" at a competition held in Petaluma, California. On top of winning the prestigious title, Wild Thang's owner also walked away with a check for $5,000.

The aim of the competition is to promote atypical rescue dogs that struggle to get adopted due to their looks.

It's not all about looks

On Friday 21 June 2024, seven other dogs were competing for the title. Aged 8, Wild Thang stood out thanks to his tongue that hangs way out, his shaggy coat, and and his toothless smile.

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This physical appearance is linked to a disease contracted when he was a puppy. The virus prevented his teeth from growing and affected one of his legs.

5 entries before the crown

This isn't the first time Wild Thang has tried his luck at this competition. As his owner recounts, Wild Thang "competed five times" before being crowned champion.

"Wild Thang was a fan favourite and the fact that he competed five times and only came second is a bit like being the bridesmaid and never the bride! He deserved to win", reports BFM TV.

In the previous edition, Scooter, a 7-year-old Chinese Crested, took the title.

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