
Golden Retriever and delivery driver

Innocent-looking dog tricks delivery driver, leaving everyone speechless (video)

By Zoë Monk Content Writer

Published on the

A DoorDash food delivery driver recently learned that even the sweetest-looking dogs can be deceiving. 

While delivering to dog owner Heather Osby's house, the man encountered an old Golden Retriever named Faith on the porch. Little did he know, Faith had a sneaky plan in mind.

Looks can be deceiving

The video, captured on a doorbell camera, shows the driver warmly greeting Faith before setting the food bag down. As he walked away, Faith, appearing innocent, sniffed the bag, grabbed the handles with her mouth, and darted towards the garden.

Just as Faith was about to enjoy her stolen meal, Heather opened the door and caught her in the act, saving the family's dinner. The hilarious scene has left viewers in stitches.

Hilarious reactions

Comments on the video varied, with some criticising the driver for leaving the food within the dog's reach, while others defended him, noting that Faith isn’t his dog and he couldn’t have known she would act so quickly. The driver can be heard apologising in the background, showing he never intended for the food to be taken.

Of course, the true star of the video is Faith, whose playful theft and wagging tail brought smiles to many.

What a cheeky pup.

Here's the hilarious video:

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