
Cats stalking dog
© Startled Cats - Reddit

Cat's hilarious attempt to scare dog backfires dramatically (video)

By Zoë Monk Content Writer

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A cat's playful attempt to scare a dog took an unexpected twist, resulting in the cat startling itself instead. 

This comical incident was caught on camera and shared on Reddit, leaving viewers in stitches.

Cat’s prank

The video starts with a dog peacefully resting on a pet bed in a cosy corner of its home. A brave cat cautiously approaches the dog, with two more feline friends following behind, seemingly offering moral support.

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As the cat plucks up the courage to approach the dog, it suddenly gets spooked and dashes off in a panic, while a fourth cat peeks from behind the dog. The bewildered dog looks on as if it has no idea what just happened.

Viral video

Here's the hilarious clip of the cat's prank gone wrong:

It's now or never
byu/ron_fury inStartledCats

Since being posted, the video has so far attracted more than 16,000 upvotes on Reddit. It has also generated a plethora of amusing comments. One Reddit user suggested the dog was trying to avoid getting involved in the cat's antics. Another humorously speculated that the dog might be a bodyguard for the true rulers of the household – the cats.

The presence of the fourth cat behind the dog left people wondering if it was the cause of the cat's fright. Some users referred to the trio of cats as a "little cat gang," and others found it amusing how the cats and the dog appeared to be in sync, with the fourth cat simply observing in peace.

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