
Owners asking dog to help with laundry
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Owner left in shock when his usually lazy dog finally does him a favour

By Ashley Murphy Content Writer

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A super-funny video of a helpful pooch picking up a sock that fell out of the laundry basket and carrying it to his amazed owner has gone viral for a second time.

The clever canine, a mixed breed called Jonsi, became a social media sensation back in 2020. In a short clip posted online, Jonsi is seen enjoying a bit of downtime on the couch at his family's home in Texas, USA.

"Do I have to?"

A few seconds later, the owner walks by carrying a laundry basket overflowing with clean clothes. A sock falls onto the floor, and the owner casually asks Jonsi to pick it up.

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Jonsi doesn't look very impressed. And that's fair; he's just entered "chill mode." But after letting out what looks like a sigh, the pooch lazily gets off the couch, picks up the sock, and carries it upstairs to his human.

The owner is amazed. He certainly didn't expect Jonsi to lend a helping paw.

"Oh my god, you did it!" exclaims Jonsi's owner.

The short clip was watched and shared over 8 million times across Facebook and X.

Jonsi is famous - again

And now it's gone viral again. The "dogsareimportant" (yes, they are!) Instagram account reposted the clip on its page earlier this month. Since then, another 1.3 million people have watched and liked Jonsi helping his human out with the housework.

"Hilarious," posted one person. "The little bit of hesitation from Jonsi before he grabs the sock cracks me up. It's like he's going, 'Ok, then, if I really have to.'"

"It was the eye contact," wrote another. "The dog was like 'damn. You saw me, now I gotta pick it up.' I love the sigh he did before he got out of his comfy spot to help."

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