
Dark shape on road
© Cape Elisabeth Police Department - Facebook

Police repeatedly advised of object in road discover same animal keeps returning

By Zoë Monk Content Writer

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When police officers get a third call during their shift about an animal lying on the road, they know exactly what it is.

It was around 1.30am when the police officers took the first in a series of bizarre calls about a strange dark shape lying in the middle of the road. They immediately assumed the shape was either a dog or a drunk pedestrian.

Surprising discovery

The officer went straight to the location because it was extremely cold, and there was snow on the road. When he arrived, he immediately saw that what was lying on the road was not a person or a dog.

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It was a seal pup!

But while the animal seemed perfectly happy just to hang out in the middle of the road, the officers knew that wasn't safe, so they put the animal in the car and took her back to the ocean to release her.

But that wouldn't be the last the officers see the seal.

Repeat offender

At 7am, they get another call about something on the road. It seems the seal has returned to exactly the same spot. The officers again take the animal back to the ocean. 

Unbelievably, just an hour later, someone again calls in, reporting a seal gliding through the fields and heading straight to the same road area. The officers realised that returning the seal to the water was pointless as it would simply come back again. So this time, they took it to a local marine mammal care centre.

It's not clear what attracted the seal pup to that area, but when examined at the care centre, it was discovered that the pup had recently lost its mother and was malnourished. The pup will stay at the centre until it's well enough to be released. 

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