Discover stunning short-haired cat breeds
If you prefer minimal grooming, these are the cat breeds for you. American Shorthairs, Bengals, and Siamese cats are amongst the cat breeds that boast beautiful, yet short coats. Here is our selection of short haired cats.
- Abyssinian Cat
- American Bobtail
- American Curl
- American Shorthair
- American Wirehair
- Bengal
- Bombay
- British Shorthair
- Burmese
- Burmilla
- California Spangled
- Ceylon
- Chartreux
- Chausie
- Cornish Rex
- Devon Rex
- Domestic shorthair
- Egyptian Mau
- European Shorthair
- Exotic shorthair
- German Rex
- Havana Brown
- Japanese Bobtail
- Khao Manee
- Korat
- LaPerm
- Manx
- Munchkin
- Ocicat
- Oriental
- Peterbald
- Pixie-bob
- Russian Blue
- Safari
- Savannah
- Selkirk Rex
- Siamese Cat
- Singapura
- Snowshoe
- Sokoke
- Thaï
- Tonkinese
- Toyger