A few weeks ago, Luis the ginger cat went missing.
His family was absolutely distraught and started distributing "missing cat" posters all over town.
A strange coincidence
One day, as Camila Castoldi took an evening stroll, she happened upon one of the posters and stopped to take a closer look. But she became very quickly confused.
Indeed, as she looked on the ground, right beneath the poster, she saw a ginger cat nonchalantly relaxing on the pavement and looking freakishly similar to the cat in the photo. And sure enough, when she said, "Greetings Luis!", the cat responded to his name!
Missing cat is found
Camila quickly called the number on the poster, and Luis was soon reunited with his very relieved family.
That might’ve been the easiest missing pet to find. It’s almost like Luis just had enough of being on the streets and decided it was time for him to head back home. And where better to be found, than right underneath your missing poster?!