Around 3 years ago, a family in Wake County, North Carolina, decided they no longer wanted to keep their cat. So, they decided to rehome him with a new family.
But Toby didn’t know he was unwanted. All he knew was that he loved his family and wanted to be with them again. So he left his new home and made the 20km walk back to the home he’d always known.
Family tries to get rid of their cat
Unfortunately for Toby, his family wasn’t thrilled to see him. On the contrary, they realised that rehoming him wouldn’t keep him away from them, so they decided to take him to a vet clinic instead. There, they asked the vet to put their cat down.
Thankfully, the staff at the clinic refused. They immediately got in touch with the SPCA, who came to pick Toby up right away.
Toby’s road to recovery
Once at the SPCA, Toby was given a full health check. It was discovered that he suffered from Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) and a respiratory infection. But with some tender loving care, Toby was soon on the road to recovery.
Within a few weeks, a wonderful woman named Michele Puckett decided to take Toby in and give him the love his ungracious previous family had rejected.
Now Toby is living his best life with a family who will love him forever.