
Cat escaping underneath the door

Clever cat trying to escaping by squeezing underneath the door

© Caters Clips- YouTube

Owner speechless when she sees how her cat manages to get through a closed door

By Emilie Heyl Content Writer

Published on the

When a cat decides something, he won’t stop until he gets what he wants. Well the story of this cat is living proof that cat’s are… unexpected.

Whoever lives with a cat knows very well to never underestimate a cat. These animals are constantly full of surprises, and always amaze us!

If you are a cat owner, you know how much cats HATE closed doors and being locked somewhere, they will let you know about their discontent. Well, this cat isn’t any different. Indeed, she was locked in a room and decided she didn't want to stay there anymore, so she tried in any way possible to escape. Did she succeed? Let’s find out!

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The cat who defies science itself

Laurie Popeck wanted to share the latest video of her kitty, a very malicious but cute little cat, who defies even science itself.

The clever cat is called Holly, she’s 7 years old and lives in Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania, USA). She was staying in a room with the door closed when she heard her owner’s voices talking on the other side of the room. Of course, Holly didn’t want to miss one bit of the conversation but she had to figure out a way to get out. Neither small nor lazy, this little feline slid underneath the door. Did she manage to escape? Hit play to find out!

At first, Holly was trying to figure out how and where her cat came from. She looked around the whole room and stopped right in front of the door. That’s when she realised the gap between the floor and the door (it was a 5cm gap, so pretty tight). Nobody believed at first that Holly had managed to squeeze in this tiny gap, without even a single scratch. Impressive!

The video, shared on the Cater Clip channel, has been shared all over the world. There are thousands of people who are still wondering how Holly managed to escape the way she did! Holly, what's your secret?

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