
Brown dog watching TV
© Luiza Sayfullina - Unsplash

Dog's reaction to goal scored during football match leaves everyone in hysterics

By Justine Seraphin Country Manager

Published on the

We’ve seen people lose their minds when their team scores during a football match, but dogs? Not so much. Yet, this guy has got to be one of the biggest fans of football!

This hilarious video posted on Reddit shows a pitbull-type dog watching a football match with his owner.

Team scores a goal

The pair sit on the sofa, looking intently at the screen. Suddenly, the voices from the television start to get louder and more excited: There’s definitely the possibility of a goal.

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As the commentators start to yell “Goal!” the dog suddenly jumps out of his seat and launches himself right off the couch in excitement, leaving his owner completely weak with laughter.

The video of course went viral, and redditors all over the world began to comment about the avid fan: “That is the most amazing reaction I’ve seen in a long time!”, said one.

“That dog just went full send,” wrote another.

Viewers criticize video of dog watching football match

Of course, there are those who say the video is fake because the audio was added afterwards. Though that may be the case, it still makes for some hilarious viewing. 

Anyone else wondering what team this dog supports? He should be their mascot!

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