
Montage of lost dog Baloo

When woman spots dog photo online she immediately springs into action (video)

By Nick Whittle Author

Published on the

Some may say miracles happen; others put moments of surprise down to pure chance. Whatever your belief, the story of a dog called Baloo will knock your socks off.

It all began 11 years ago when a woman called Julia entrusted her dog Baloo to a member of her family. Julia, who lives in the Occitanie region of southern France, was heartbroken when she was later told that Baloo had done a runner.

The pain of defeat

Despite numerous searches and a desperate bid for information from neighbours and friends, the crossbreed puppy was nowhere to be seen.

Eventually, Julia had to admit that she would never see her beloved Baloo again. But earlier this year, hope sprang eternal. Julia’s sister was surfing the internet and browsing the pictures of dogs kept at an Aussillon dog shelter when she saw an elderly – yet infinitely recognisable – furry face.

Reunion and happy ending

Baloo’s markings were unmistakable, and the dog's age pointed in no uncertain terms to the fact that Baloo was alive and well, albeit lonely and in need of his owner!

Wasting no time, Julia raced to the shelter to identify Baloo. Sure enough, it was he, and the two were reunited. Baloo now lives happily with his true forever love, Julia.

It's worth noting that because Baloo wasn't microchipped, the shelter kept him all this time to find him a new home. In the UK, microchipping dogs is a legal requirement for owners, giving dogs a greater chance of being reunited with their owners.

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  • Bagy
    Didn't know dogs were put down in uk if they don't have microchip.
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