
White dog stuck in the mud
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Man spots dog stuck in the mud: Will he be able to save her life? (video)

By Greta Inglis Dog Behaviourist | Animal Behaviourist

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When he noticed something moving in the mud, this kind samaritan knew he had to act fast. A dog had become completely stuck, and he feared she wouldn't make it.

A farmer quickly became a hero, after he found a dog had become trapped on his land. 

She was covered in mud, and had exhausted herself trying to escape. 

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An urgent rescue

The sound of barking had become a fairly common occurrence on the farmer's land, but there was something about this particular dog that caught his attention. 

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He decided to investigate, only to find a white stray completely covered in mud. 

Trapped and panicked, he knew he had to help. Using a plank of wood and plenty of courage, he cautiously made his way over to the terrified pup, grabbing her by the scruff and pulling her to safety. 

The start of a wonderful friendship

Relieved to be free and upset by her ordeal, the dog immediately made a dash for freedom. 

While the farmer could have left her to rejoin the many strays that roamed his land, there was something about this little dog that stayed with him. 

Armed with a collar, a lead and lots of patience, the dog lover returned to the site the very next day. And much to his surprise, he found the dog waiting for him.

Now safe, he will make sure she gets all the care and love she deserves. 

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