It is amazing to see how strong the bond between animals can be.
From farm animals to wildlife, unusual animal friendships are perhaps some of the most heartwarming out there.
A bold move
What happens when a daring dog sneaks into an elephant herd's territory?
Naturally one would assume it wouldn't end well for the dog, but in this case, quite the opposite occurs.
Much to the delight of viewers, this brave dog find a new best friend in a baby elephant!
"You can't catch me"
Onlookers may have been frightened for the dog's safety, but this pup had a simple goal in mind.
He wanted to make friends, and hopefully play with the baby elephant.
The video may only be a minute long, but it clearly captures how much fun they're having together. They seem to be calling out to each other "You can't catch me, you can't catch me..."
This unlikely pair is having a wonderful time! Who would have thought that dogs and elephants could be such good friends?