
Rescued black and white kittens

Rescuers save 30 cats from house: Unusual looking kitten leaves them speechless

By Greta Inglis Dog Behaviourist | Animal Behaviourist

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PAWS Chicago were called in to investigate a case of animal abandonment. When they arrived at the scene, they couldn't believe their eyes.

The kittens had been abandoned by their previous owner, and the number of cats living in the house had become unmanageable.

There were approximately 30 cats living alone.

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Defenceless kittens

PAWS rescuers managed to rescue one adult cat and 11 kittens, whilst waiting to save the others. Among all the rescued kittens, one stood out.

The kitten, named Craisin, had no fur. Nobody knows why the kitten has no hair on its body, but the vet couldn't find any medical issues that may have caused the hair loss. 

All the other kittens from the same litter are healthy and very sociable. Hairlessness in cats is the result of a genetic mutation in the KRT71 gene, which has been used to develop breeds such as the Sphynx.

Sensitive to the cold

Some PAWS Chicago supporters suggested that Craisin could be a Lykoi or 'wolf cat'- an almost hairless cat with a werewolf appearance. 

The rescuers are unsure whether there is actually a genetic link, as stress can be also be a contributing factor. They remain hopeful that Craisin's fur may grow back one day.

Like most hairless cats, Craisin is sensitive to cold, so rescuers made her a little jumper from a cut-up sock. Her favourite thing in the world is staying warm whilst cuddling with her siblings. 

While Craisin has won many hearts since his arrival, she and her siblings are still looking for their forever family. We hope they find the perfect home in no time!

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