
Dog by side of road/in car

Dog rescued from busy roadside appears to understand she's now in safe hands

By Zoë Monk Content Writer

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A dog stranded on a busy highway in Mexico has been rescued by a couple and is now recovering in their care.

Rosa María Segura Alcántar and her husband, Erick, were driving when they spotted the malnourished, dehydrated dog on the road.

Concerned for her safety, they immediately pulled over.

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Confused and dehydrated

“She looked confused, dehydrated and malnourished,” Rosa explained. “We stopped, and she started coming towards us.” After a brief wait for a safe moment in traffic, Erick approached the dog, who had an old neck injury, suggesting she had been tied up and abandoned.

Once safely in their car, the dog, now named Manzana, seemed to melt into her rescuer's arms, sensing she was no longer in danger.

Safe at last

Rosa and Erick, who run the animal shelter Refugio Xollin, are dedicated to helping dogs like Manzana.

“She would have died out there,” said Rosa. “We feel relieved to have her with us.” Since her rescue, Manzana has gained weight and shown a calm, loving temperament. 

Rosa and Erick are now seeking a forever home for her, but in the meantime, she is surrounded by the love and care she deserves.

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